Number of gainfully employed people fell below 40 million in Germany 22. May 2009 by Thomas Jannot The economic crisis is more and more affecting the labour market. According to provisional figures provided by the Federal Statistical Office, in the first quarter 2009 the number of gainfully employed people fell to 39.9 million for the first time in nine months. Only in comparison with the first quarter in 2008 there was slight …
Number of job vacancies down significantly 20. May 2009 by Thomas Jannot The IAB institute registered a drop in the number of job vacancies to 870,000 in the first quarter 2009. This is 221,000 less than in the fourth quarter 2008 and 273,000 vacancies less than one year ago. This drop in the first quarter 2009 almost exclusively affected the west of Germany due to this region’s …
Half of all Germans are concerned about social market economy 20. May 2009 by Thomas Jannot Twice a year the Emnid opinion poll institute interviews 1000 Germans on their expectations of the future on behalf of ARAG . The most recent survey was marked by pessimistic answers which reflect respondents´ fear of the economic crisis. Against the background of the 60th anniversary of the Basic Law, Germans were also asked on …
Traditional landline telephone network becoming unpopular 19. May 2009 by Thomas Jannot Germans are losing interest in the traditional landline phone network while internet and mobile telephony are become more and more popular. The traditional landline network was used on average 33 hours on a per capita basis by Germans in the year 2008 which is 2.5% less than in the year 2007. For this year another …
Online advertising market growing by 11.2 percent 18. May 2009 by Thomas Jannot Despite the current economic crisis online advertising is booming: in the first quarter 2009 turnover generated through online advertising amounted to 340 million Euros in Germany which was an increase by 11.2 % as compared to the first quarter in 2008. These figures were found out by the Thomson Media Control market research institute. It …
Inflation rate in Europe still at a low level 18. May 2009 by Thomas Jannot Annual inflation in April this year in the Eurozone remained unchanged as compared to March at 0.6%. In April 2008 inflation had amounted to 3.3 %. The monthly inflation rate in April reached 0.4 %. In the EU27 annual inflation in April amounted to 1.2 % (March: 1.3 %) following 3.6 % last year. Monthly …
GDP of EU down by 2.5 percent 15. May 2009 by Thomas Jannot GDP in the Eurozone (EZ16) and the EU27 was down by 2.7% each in the first quarter 2009 as compared to the fourth quarter 2008, according to estimates by the European Statistical Office (Eurostat). In the fourth quarter 2008 GDP had decreased by 1.6% and 1.5% respectively as compared to the third quarter last year. …
Biggest drop in German GDP since 1970 15. May 2009 by Thomas Jannot According to the Federal Statistical Office, the shrinking process of German GDP has accelerated over the first quarter 2009. Thus, GDP fell by 3.8% on the fourth quarter 2008 after adjustments for price, season and calendar. This the biggest drop in GDP since its first quarterly calculation in the year 1970. As compared to the …
1.2 percent more business insolvencies in February 14. May 2009 by Thomas Jannot The total number of insolvencies in February 2009 fell by 5.1% to 12,120 as compared to February last year. This positive development, however, is due to a drop by 7.6% to 7,450 cases in private consumer insolvencies. The number of insolvencies by self-employed people fell by 3.8% to 1,944. The number of business insolvencies, however, …
Tax burden in Germany among the biggest worldwide 14. May 2009 by Thomas Jannot Among the top 30 of industrialized and emerging countries Germany is almost at the very top of this ranking with regard to the burden of taxes and contributions, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The tax burden in Germany is particularly high on low-income employees, whose tax and contribution payments amount …