Industrial output continues falling in the EU 15. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot Output of industry is still falling in Europe. In April this year industrial production fell by 1.9% on March in the Eurozone (EZ16) and by 0.9% in the EU27. In March the respective drops on February had been 1.4 % and 1.3 %. As compared to April last year output fell by 21.6 % in …
Sharpest drop in wholesale trade selling prices since 1986 15. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot In May this year the index of wholesale trade selling prices was down by 8.9% on May 2008. This was the sharpest year-to-year drop since December 1986, according to the Federal Statistical Office. In April and May 2009 prices had dropped by 8.1 % and 8.0 % respectively. From April to May this year wholesale …
Seven percent more overnight stays in Germany 12. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot Tourism in Germany was gaining momentum in April this year. According to provisional figures provided by the Federal Statistical Office, the number of overnight stays in places of accommodation and at camping sites amounted to 28.2 million in April this year which is an increase by 7 % on April in 2008. This development is …
Fines for unauthorized mobile phone use relatively moderate in Germany 12. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot Making phone calls while driving is inevitable for many free lances and skilled workmen given that clients demand their permanent availability. Those using their mobile phones and not having the appropriate free-speaking safety devices installed in their cars will be fined, if they are caught by the police. Fines vary in several countries. According to …
Turnover by German handicraft businesses up by 4.4 percent in 2008 12. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot According to provisional data by the Federal Statistical Office, turnover generated by handicraft businesses in the year 2008 in Germany was up by 4.4% on that generated in 2007. At the same time the number of craftsmen fell by 0.9 %. From this growth benefited all kinds of handicraft businesses the operation of which is …
Business insolvencies up by 10 percent 12. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot Even though the current economic crisis has so far not affected the number of private consumer insolvencies, its effect on the number of business insolvencies has already been profound. Thus, according to the latest figures published by the Federal Statistical Office, the number of business insolvencies registered in the first quarter this year rose by …
Crude steel output halved in May 10. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot German metallurgical plants produced 1.18 million tons of pig iron and 2.17 million tons of crude steel in May 2009. This is a drop by 54.8 % and 47.8 % respectively as compared to May last year. Currently, however, there was a short term growth in output of pig iron and crude steel in May …
Record landslide drop in German exports in April 2009 10. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot German exports were down by 28.7 % in April 2009 on April last year. Never before since the year 1950 has the Federal Statistical Office reported such as landslide drop. Imports fell by 22.9% over the same period. The changes on March 2009 were 4.8 % and 5.8 %.
Women love buying clothes online 10. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot Many people buy clothes over the internet, even though it is impossible to touch the materials and tissues prior to purchase. Nevertheless, there are several reasons for buying clothes online such as saving of time and an extensive choice. About 12.4 million Germans have already bought clothes or sun glasses and belts over the internet. …
Download market continues growing in Germany 9. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot According to BITKOM, the market for downloads in Germany grew by another 16% in the first quarter of 2009 on the respective quarter last year. Music, games, videos, audio books and software from the internet have been more popular than ever before. More than 13 million times Germans loaded files from the internet down to …