SMEs need the experience of retired people 7. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot A current study of the Cologne based psychonomics AG which was commissioned by the DSL German Seniors reveals that small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) present an ever increasing lack of qualified personnel with extensive experience. According to the study, 42 percent of SMEs are currently unable to staff certain executive, production management and sales positions. …
Innovation symposium invites you to Salzburg 7. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot As is reported by Pressetext.deutschland there will be a symposium called »creativity: impetus for innovations« taking place at the University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg/Urstein on the 28th and 29th of June. It is organised by the “Innovations- und Technologietransfer Salzburg GmbH” (ITG). For two days top-level speakers from business, culture and politics will report …
Study rates corporates higher than SMEs 7. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot A study commissioned by the Accenture consultancy together with Die Welt daily newspaper claims that major enterprises play a role in the Germany economy which is even more important than previously thought. At least this is the opinion of the consultancy experts. According to the study, the 500 biggest enterprises generate about 30 percent of …
We keep fingers crossed for Germany´s football team 4. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot Friday evening´s football match which saw Germany play against Columbia was a true booster to German confidence. Just remember Schweinsteiger´s excellent pass to Ballack who scored by head leaving no chance to the Columbian keeper. And then this spectacular free kick which sent the ball on a beautiful low-level flight passing around a somewhat weird …
German SMEs want to invest more in their IT security 2. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot As was reported in an online article by the Computerwoche magazine, the majority of German SMEs expect rising expenses on IT security. This is said to be the finding of the »IT security in SMEs – status quo and trends in Germany« study for 2006 carried out by the market research company IDC. The survey …
EU to cut bureaucracy on SMEs 2. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot EU commissioner Mr. Günter Verheugen in a comprehensive statement published by the Hamburger Abendblatt magazine has voiced his personal view on the importance of SMEs for Europe. He is convinced that the real job generators in the EU are the 23 million small and medium-sized entities.
Tax-free financial reserve planned for SMEs 2. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot As was reported by the Financial Times Deutschland (FTD) with reference to allegations of top-political circles, the Federal minister of Finance, Mr. Peer Steinbrück, intends to introduce a tax-free financial reserve for small and medium-sized entities (SMEs). These companies would be allowed to create reserves of up to 100.000 Euros not subject to taxation, if …
Law on cuts in bureaucracy to be improved 31. May 2006 by Thomas Jannot Markus Gühl, chairman of the Aktionsgemeinschaft Wirtschaftlicher Mittelstand initiative (AWM), on the occasion of a committee hearing in the Lower House of German Parliament has called for the powers of the standard control board for cuts in bureaucracy to be extended in order for the board to work effectively. »The standard control board needs the …
Proprietary data formats represent a potential IT security risk 31. May 2006 by Thomas Jannot A warning by the German consultancy Eurospace against the use in companies of the Internet telephony software (VoIP service) »Skype for Business« currently causes some confusion. At first sight, the main reproaches that firstly Skype was a security risk and that secondly it did not make use of accepted standards seem to be justified from …
Good consumer climate encourages to buy more 30. May 2006 by Thomas Jannot The consumption behaviour of German consumers has again substantially improved in May. This is the finding of the May 2006 consumer climate study prepared by the GfK institute. There is an anticipation of economic development which is as positive as it was for the last time five years ago. The indicator of the propensity to …