Credit granting significantly more restrictive 27. February 2009 by Thomas Jannot According to the Munich-based ifo institute, in February it became more difficult for German businesses to take out loans. The percentage of businesses thinking that credit granting by banks has recently become more restrictive increased from 39.8% in January to 42.5% in February. Even though taking out a loan became more difficult for businesses of …
Order volume down by 4.4% in construction industry in 2008 26. February 2009 by Thomas Jannot In the German construction industry the order volume fell by 4.4% (in real terms) last year as compared to 2007. The number of orders to civil engineering decreased by 6.9% and to structural engineering by 1.9%. In December 2008 alone, incoming orders dropped by 11.8% in comparison with December of 2007. Demand to structural engineering …
4.2 percent more internet connections in Germany 26. February 2009 by Thomas Jannot The German market for internet connections via the landline network is expected to grow by 4.2% to 13.8 billion Euros, according to the German Association for Information Management, Telecommunications and New Media (BITKOM). Business with internet connections has been booming recently despite the economic crisis. Turnover generated in the business with private internet connections is …
Number of incoming orders to EU industry continues falling 25. February 2009 by Thomas Jannot The number of incoming orders to industry in the EU continued dropping in December 2008. Thus, the index of incoming orders fell by 5.2% in the Eurozone and by 6.4% in the EU27 on the previous month. As compared to December 2007, the index of incoming orders dropped by 22.3% and 23.3% in the Eurozone …
Miele, Mey and Google most popular brands in Germany 25. February 2009 by Thomas Jannot Once more the GfK study „best brands 2009“ this year determined Germany’s most successful brand names. This year’s winner in the category „Best company brand” is Google. Miele, who are a manufacturer of household appliances, won in the category of „product brand” and the underwear manufacturer Mey”became the best “Growth brand”. In the special category …
38 percent of Germans using online banking 25. February 2009 by Thomas Jannot Currently there are 24 million Germans which carry out their banking operations over the internet. This figure corresponds to 38% of the total population between 16 and 74 years of age. Five years ago there had been just 21% (13 million Germans) using online banking. According to the German Association for Information Management, Telecommunications and …
Free-of-charge brochures available on telecommunications markets in more than 100 countries 23. February 2009 by Thomas Jannot Sometimes, in particular in times of crisis, it may be important for some small and medium-sized businesses to look for new markets abroad. For a first orientation in this respect the German Association for Information Management, Telecommunications and New Media (BITKOM) provides a 500-pages brochures containing market information on about 100 national markets for information …
Online encyclopaedia on business informatics available 23. February 2009 by Thomas Jannot Since the beginning of this year a genuine knowledge gem is available on the internet for free: an online encyclopaedia for business informatics by Professor Dr. Karl Kurbel and four of his colleagues. A second, extended version of this encyclopaedia has now gone online on the occasion of the international business informatics conference 2009 in …
Turnover generated through music downloads higher than expected 23. February 2009 by Thomas Jannot In the year 2008 Germans downloaded songs and music albums to the value of 80 million Euros from the internet. This corresponds to an increase by 34% as compared to the year 2007. In view of this development the German Association for Information Management, Telecommunications and New Media (BITKOM) announced that for the year 2009 …
German mechanical engineering successful in the year 2008 20. February 2009 by Thomas Jannot Despite the crisis in the fourth quarter last year, the year 2008 as a whole was successful for German mechanical engineering, according to the German association for mechanical and plant engineering (VDMA). Turnover generated in this line of industry grew by 8% or 15 billion Euros to 205 billion Euros. In particular successful was the …