German exports down by 6.0 percent in the fourth quarter 2008 26. March 2009 by Thomas Jannot In the fourth quarter 2008 German exports shrank by 6.0 % as compared to the respective quarter in 2007. The combined values of all exported goods amounted to 233.8 billion Euros. After adjustment for prices the drop in exports even amounted to 7.8 %. For the entire year 2008 exports increased by 3.1 % (after …
Demand for further training growing rapidly in Germany 25. March 2009 by Thomas Jannot The demand for further training has been growing significantly since the beginning of this year. This is demonstrated by a new index provided by IWWB which is a search engine for courses on further education. The index analyses visits to data bases on further education since the summer last year which reflect the demand for …
Hotel prices down by 12 percent 25. March 2009 by Thomas Jannot According to the current „Hotel Price Index“ by the British „“ travel site, average prices for overnight stays in hotels fell by 12% as compared to last year. Most affected by this drop in prices was North America where prices fell by 12% in the fourth quarter 2008 in comparison with the previous year. In …
About most important German export goods in 2008 23. March 2009 by Thomas Jannot In the year 2008 Germany exported goods to the value of almost 995 billion Euros. At the same time imports amounted to almost 819 billion Euros. The lion share of exports (17.5%) was made up by motor vehicles and components thereof followed by machinery (14.8 %) and chemical products (13.9 %).
449 businesses in Germany generated at least 1 billion Euros in turnover 20. March 2009 by Thomas Jannot 449 businesses in Germany generated at least one billion Euros of turnover in the year 2007 following 419 companies in 2006. All these 449 companies combined generated a turnover amounting to almost 1.7 trillion Euros which is about one third of the total turnover of all businesses subject to taxation in Germany. Total turnover of …
IFW predicts global recession 20. March 2009 by Thomas Jannot The International Monetary Fund (IMF) sees very grim prospects for both the global economy and the economy of the Eurozone. For the year 2009 the IWF forecasts the European economy to shrink by 3.2 %. The global economy is expected to decrease for the first time in 60 years by between 0.5% and 1%.
E-сommerce turnover continues growth in Germany 20. March 2009 by Thomas Jannot A new study by the association for research on consumption (GfK) revealed that an ever growing number of people in Germany use the internet for turnover generating activities. In the year 2008 German consumers bought goods to the amount of 13.6 billion Euros over the internet which was an increase by 19% on the previous …
Labour costs up by 3.8 percent in the Eurozone 18. March 2009 by Thomas Jannot In the fourth quarter 2008 hourly labour costs increased by 3.8% (nominally) in the Eurozone as compared to the fourth quarter in 2007. This increase is much smaller than in the third quarter (+4.2 %). In the EU27 the annual growth rate of labour costs amounted to 4.6 % in the fourth quarter following +4.2% …
German record export surpluses thing of the past 18. March 2009 by Thomas Jannot According to the Federal Statistical Office, a long series of annual German record export surpluses came to an end in 2008. German exports in 2008 amounted to 994.9 billion Euros and imports to 818.6 billion Euros which resulted in a foreign trade surplus of 176.2 billion Euros. This amount was 19.1 billion Euros less than …
Drop in turnover of German processing industry 17. March 2009 by Thomas Jannot According to provisional data provided by the German Statistical Office, in January this year turnover generated by the German processing industry dropped by 20.0% as compared to January last year. This is the biggest drop since the indicator was first calculated in 1991. On December 2008 turnover (in real terms) fell by 6.6% after adjustment …