Processing industry lost 23.3 percent in turnover 15. April 2009 by Thomas Jannot In February 2009 turnover generated by the German processing industry was down by 23.3% as compared to February last year. This drop was even bigger than that in January this year (-19.9 %). Such a huge drop in turnover had never been registered since the index in question was first introduced in the year 1991. …
Less online job ads in March 15. April 2009 by Thomas Jannot According to the online job market the number of job vacancies published online was down in March following a recovery in February. The “Monster Employment Index” for Germany fell by 4 points to 121 points. This is particularly due to decreasing demand for engineers (-26 points) and specialists in the field of industry (-15 …
Number of overnight stays down by 4 percent in February 14. April 2009 by Thomas Jannot According to provisional calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, there were 20.9 million overnight stays registered in places of accommodation with at least nine beds and on camping sites in February 2009 in Germany. This corresponds to a decrease by 4% as compared to February last year. In comparison with January 2009 the number of …
Flat rates lead to increased use of mobile phones in Germany 14. April 2009 by Thomas Jannot Mobile phone usage is on the rise in Germany. From 2007 to 2008 the total usage time increased by about 10% to 30.5 hours on a per capita basis. For this year the German Association for Information Management, Telecommunications and New Media (BITKOM) expect a similar development. The increase is mainly due to cost-efficient flat …
Housewives preferred target group for music downloads 10. April 2009 by Thomas Jannot One quarter of all German internet users order music CDs and DVDs over the internet or download music. In total, about 11 million Germans have at least once in their lives bought music from the internet. This was revealed by a study carried out by BITKOM. One finding was particularly surprising: 31% of all housewives …
Number of business insolvencies unchanged in January 10. April 2009 by Thomas Jannot The number of private consumer insolvencies amounted to 7,901 in January this year (-12.8% as compared to January 2008) and that of business insolvencies to 2,444 (-0.1%). In total 12,668 cases of insolvencies were reported to German courts which was 9.8% less than in January 2008.
German exports at 16-year record low 9. April 2009 by Thomas Jannot According to estimates by the German Statistical Office, the volume of German exports was down by 23.1% in February this year as compared to February in 2008. Germany exported goods to the value of 64.8 billion Euros in February which was the smallest volume in 16 years. Imports amounted to 56.2 billion Euros. Thus, German …
Output of crude steel down by 50 percent in March 8. April 2009 by Thomas Jannot German metallurgical plants halved their output in March this year and produced just 1.28 million tons of pig iron which was 50.3 % less than in March last year. Output of crude steel decreased by 49.8 % to 2.1 million tons. These figures mark the biggest annual drop since the German reunification. As compared to …
Two thirds of Germans think to be underpaid 8. April 2009 by Thomas Jannot An international survey carried out by the StepStone online job market revealed that 68% of respondents in Germany felt underpaid. During the study in question about 4,000 experts and executives were interviewed in Germany. Even more dissatisfied with their salaries are Italians among whom 28% believe that their salaries match their achievements and 4% even …
SMEs increasingly looking for new staff on the internet 7. April 2009 by Thomas Jannot In Germany the number of small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) using the internet in order to staff vacant posts is rising. Thus, 40 % of people hired nowadays by small and medium-sized businesses were found either over the company’s website or via online job markets. For the first time in 2008 more than one third …