Inflation in Eurozone at 0.0% in May 1. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot It is estimated that annual inflation in the Eurozone (EZ16) was 0.0% in May. This was reported by Eurostat, the European Statistical Office. This estimate is based upon the consumer price index for the Eurozone (VPI-EWU) as well as on price data provided by member states and early information on energy prices. In April 2009, …
Volume of incoming orders to mechanical engineering down by more than 50 percent 30. May 2009 by Thomas Jannot German mechanical engineering is seriously affected by the economic crisis. In April 2009 the order intake was down by 58% (in real terms) as compared to the respective month in 2008. This fact was reported on Thursday by the Association of German mechanical and plant engineering (VDMA) in Frankfurt. A particular sharp drop was registered …
Number of gainfully employeed people down by 130,000 28. May 2009 by Thomas Jannot In April this year the number of gainfully employed people in Germany continued falling. According to provisional calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, the number of gainfully employed people in Germany amounted to 39.96 million in April which is a drop by 130,000 or 0.3% as compared to April in 2008. The economic crisis is …
Consumer prices unchanged in May 28. May 2009 by Thomas Jannot In May this year, for the first time since the German reunification, consumer prices remained unchanged by annual comparison (0.0 % as compared to May 2008). On April this year consumer prices fell by 0.1%. According to the Federal Statistical Office, consumer prices are currently stabilizing after sharp drops over the past months.
Import prices down by 8.6 percent in April 27. May 2009 by Thomas Jannot Prices for imported goods were down by on average 8.6% in April this year as compared to April last year. The last such drop was registered in March 1987. In March and February 2009 the respective annual changes had been -7.1 % and -6.4 %. In comparison with March this year the import price index …
Volume of incoming orders to German construction industry down by 9.1% 26. May 2009 by Thomas Jannot In March 2009 the German construction industry suffered a drop in incoming orders amounting to 9.1% (in real terms) as compared to the respective month last year. The order volume in structural engineering fell by 13.3 % and by 4.6% in civil engineering. These reductions in March were clearly smaller than those in February (-17.5 …
Current crisis changes expectations on the ideal company 25. May 2009 by Thomas Jannot The current deep crisis inevitably changes the ideas people have about the way the economy should ideally function. Expectations people have with regard to businesses, institutions and brands are changing significantly and increasingly comprise social and political claims. This was revealed in the course of a study by BBDO Consulting which is an international strategy …
Collective bargaining in German construction industry finished 25. May 2009 by Thomas Jannot At the past weekend collective bargaining between employers (ZDB) and unions (IG Bau) in the German construction industry came to an end which was reached through conciliation. According to the agreement reached, wages and salaries of the about 700,000 employees in the German construction industry are to be raised by 2.3% as of June 1st …
Guideline on how to encode business data available 25. May 2009 by Thomas Jannot Data of a business are as important as its financial assets. If these fall in the hands of competitors, the existence of the company is often endangered. There is always a risk involved, if backup data carriers or USB sticks fall into the wrong hands. Therefore, confidential data have to be particularly protected, e.g. by …
Germans in fourth position in terms of online shopping in Europe 22. May 2009 by Thomas Jannot Not only do Germans love shopping, but they also make more and more use of the internet for shopping instead of going to traditional shops. 42 % of Germans used the internet for shopping last year with the EU average being 24 %. Product ranges offered on the internet are broader than those of any …