Older employees as productive as youngsters 7. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot According to Dr. Sven Völpel, professor for business management at the Jacobs Center of the Bremen International University, there is no scientific prove of the common prejudice that older people were less productive than young people. In his opinion companies should more bank on their older staff in order to avoid the loss of precious …
German wholesalers increase turnover by 3.6 percent in real terms 5. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot Wholesale business is in good shape. Compared to November 2005 the turnover in November 2006 grew by 6.2% in nominal and by 3.6% in real terms, as was reported today by the Federal Statistical Office. Compared to October 2006 turnover by wholesale traders grew by 0.2% and 0.1% respectively. For the time being the figures …
SMEs invited to take part in a survey on IT security 5. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot In particular small and medium-sized entities underestimate the complexity of IT security and just concentrate on technical aspects and the danger of computer viruses. Consequently security issues are often delegated to technical specialists or external service providers. But in reality the attacks on company computer networks are becoming increasingly subtle and the constraints on companies …
Leisure market becomes driving economic force 4. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot Already today leisure is Germany´s most important job machine. Much more than six million people work in the several sectors of leisure business. Tourism, media, culture, sports, health and entertainment are growth sectors which do not have to fear competition. For this reason the leisure industry will be the driving economic force of the 21st …
Statistical year book on Europe available on the internet 3. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot Small and medium-sized entities planning to operate on the European market need reliable data on their respective target countries. For them the 2006 edition of the statistical year book by the European Statistical Office Eurostat is available for free-of-charge download.
75 percent of households possess a computer 3. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot As was announced today in Berlin by the German Association for Information Management, Telecommunications and New Media (BITKOM), for the first time in 2006 three out of four German households were equipped with a personal computer thereby bringing Germany into fourth place among EU member states.
100.000 Euro award for innovative packaging ideas 3. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot The Cofresco Institute has launched a competition for European researchers and research laboratories the winners of which will be awarded with a total of 100.000 Euros for innovative projects in the field of food packaging.
About 60 cities and their economic prospects 2. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot According to the findings of a study commissioned by the Capital magazine Munich is the city offering the best economic prospects in Germany. Stuttgart came second followed by Dusseldorf. The study analyzed how sixty major German cities have developed since the year 2004 and in which way parameters such as economic growth, occupation, population and …
Consumer climate top in December 2006 1. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot According to a consumer climate study conducted by GfK the consumer climate reached its 2006 top level in December. There is markedly strong confidence in good economic development. After a slight increase in November the confidence rose strongly in December. The respective indicator rose by 25.4 to 35.7 points which is the highest level in …
Happy New Year! 1. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot The year 2006 is history. It was a year which at last gave rise to hope and which was marked by some economic success stories. After years of stagnation and sometimes heavy losses the year 2006 gave us a sustainable economic upswing and the football world cup which was a celebration of life. Things could …