Risk of Fraud in doing business over the Internet smaller than expected 13. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot The risk of fraud involved in doing e-commerce is overestimated to a large extent. This is the conclusion drawn by the Pago 2006 report, which on the basis of 50 million real purchases has analysed the »Trends of the year 2005 in the purchase and payment behaviour in the relevant e-commerce branches«. The figure on …
First Change Management in SMEs course of studies to start soon 13. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot According to a report by the University of Bremerhaven for the first time in Germany there will be a course of studies called “change management in SMEs” starting in Bremerhaven in the winter semester 2006/07. It is a fact that SMEs are particularly affected by the change of the general economic environment. The master course …
Executive assistant´s time management decisive for success of SMEs 13. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot Mrs. Manuela Franzò, who is a consultant and a “inner boss”, is absolutely sure that the job of an executive assistant in a small or medium-sized entity (SME) represents a real management challenge. The scope of duties of such an executive assistant who is quite often the only such person in SMEs is in most …
European charter wants facilitations for SMEs 13. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot For the European Commission small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) are at the centre of their policy. For that reason a day dedicated to SMEs is celebrated today in Brussels. Its motto: The EU is good for SMEs and SMEs are good for Europe. Similar events will take place in the first two weeks of June …
SMEs are the protagonists of a new Wiki-Med-project 12. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot The Fraunhofer Institute for fabricating technology and automation IPA in co-operation with several SMEs and the industrial organisation Spectaris e. V. have set up a project called »Wiki-Med« for knowledge management.
Increasing demand for lifestyle products in Eastern Europe 12. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot According to a report by Pressetext Austria there is quite an intriguing development going on in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), which was identified by the GFK Austria experts for Eastern Europe: According to their observations, Eastern Europe is rapidly adopting the consumption behaviour of Western European countries. At least this is …
Financial aid of 3.6 billion Euros granted to SMEs by the EU 9. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot On the first of June the European parliament adopted the first Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP). For the period from 2007 to 2013 financials aids of 3.6 billion Euros will be made available to about 350.000 small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) by the EU. The programme is to enhance competitiveness of SMEs, to promote …
Inheritance tax on SMEs to be increased 9. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot As was reported by today´s Financial Times Deutschland, the Federal Finance Minister and his counterparts in the Federal States plan to increase inheritance tax to be paid on SMEs. From the year 2007 onwards inheritance tax is to be levied on one-man businesses and holdings in business partnerships in the same way as on major …
The Internet is of high importance to the investment decisions of SMEs 9. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot In Germany about 55 percent of the population make currently use of the Internet. In the age bracket from 14 to 49 years this figure is even 75 percent. The recent »Digital Life Report 2006«, a survey carried out by TNS Infratest, reveals how much the importance of the Internet for private decisions has grown. …
The foundation of a GmbH is to become easier and quicker 7. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot The presentation of a draft prepared by aides for a »Law for the modernisation of GmbH legislation and fight against abuses« (MoMiG) which was presented in Berlin on May 29th by the Federal Minister of Justice, Mrs. Brigitte Zypries, may be interpreted as a reaction to the growing popularity of the British “Limited” (⇒ Wikipedia) …