Systems IT fair extends its service provided to SMEs 11. July 2006 by Thomas Jannot Although the summer in Germany has just begun, there are already the first news on the Systems IT fair which will take place from October 23rd to 27th 2006 in Munich. The organizer of the event, the Messe München International (MMI), considers the SYSTEMS as an information platform to small and medium-sized entities. After all, …
Modern leadership instruments also important for SMEs 11. July 2006 by Thomas Jannot Many leaders of small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) not only trust their practical experience when it comes to products, but also in leading their company. In general, this approach works well for quite a long time. However, in acccordance to the growth of the company, sooner or later also the rules within the company start …
Innovations in SMEs fail because of lack of money 11. July 2006 by Thomas Jannot A recent study called “innovations in SMEs”, carried out by the KfW banking group in co-operation with the Centre for European Economy Resarch (ZEW) which was presented last week in Frankfurt, reveals that in the period between 2002 and 2004 42 percent of all German small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) have carried out successfully at …
Research bonus for SMEs planned 11. July 2006 by Thomas Jannot Mrs Annette Schavan, who is German Minister of Education and Research, wants to introduce a bonus for SMEs engaging in research. She expects this bonus to give a fresh impetus to a close co-operation between research institutes and SMEs from 2007 on. The research bonus is considered as a very effective tool for the promotion …
Bulgarian SMEs meet EU standards 11. July 2006 by Thomas Jannot There is good news for SMEs doing business in Bulgaria : As was reported by the portal, companies with an annual turnover not exceeding 49 million Euros and with less than 250 employees are categorized as small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) from now on. This is laid down in two amendments on SMEs which …
ODF OpenDocument format prevailing 8. July 2006 by Thomas Jannot Business documents have to be stored for a period of at least six years, certain documents which are important for fiscal reasons even ten years. We already reported on this in the past. By IT standards such periods represent quite a long time. Over the last decades many data formats have ceased to exist together …
PR Blogger reports on MittelstandsBlog.DE 8. July 2006 by Thomas Jannot In the course of the “999 Blogs” serial Mrs. Verena Schmunk, who is a writer, in the 24th place also reports on our MittelstandsBlog:
IT security expert advises to use Apple computers 7. July 2006 by Thomas Jannot Graham Cluley, a senior technology consultant with the security specialist Sophos, recommends using Apple computers, as was communicated by the Pressetext news agency. His recommendation was given on the occasion of the presentation of Sophos´ half year report on virus infected computer programs and their spreading.
M’Blog quotes entrepreneurs, decision makers and professionals 6. July 2006 by Thomas Jannot Each time the MittelstandsBlog.DE homepage is uploaded, on the right hand side there will appear a quote chosen at random in the “O-Ton vom Experten” box. The text will change once you reload the related page. Given that the quotes are chosen at random, it may be necessary to reload several times in order to …
Pleasant work atmosphere more important to executive assistants than money 6. July 2006 by Thomas Jannot A clever entrepreneur is said to be the brain of his or her company with the secretary ideally being its heart without which nothing would run smoothly. That is why the bosses of small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) are looking for true magic women for their offices. Once such a super woman has been found, …