Information day on general anti-discrimination law 5. August 2006 by Thomas Jannot In the period from August 14th to September 25th the Amadeus Fire AG temporary work and personnel consulting agency in co-operation with other partners offer a series of free-of-charge informative events on the general anti-discrimination law (AGG). The new law took effect on August 1st 2006 and is to provide comprehensive protection against discrimination – …
EU publishes regulations on financial services 5. August 2006 by Thomas Jannot As was reported by the European Commission it has set up an Internet data base containing regulations on financial services which is accessible to the general public. This data base provides complete access to those laws by which the EU regulations on financial services are cast into national legislation. The data base does also include …
DIHK brochure helps to avoid mistakes with regard to new anti-discrimination law 5. August 2006 by Thomas Jannot Presumably in a few days the new anti-discrimination law (AGG) will take effect. In cases of violation of the law there might be serious sanctions – besides an injunction also the liability for compensation even for personal suffering. With their brochure “The general anti-discrimination law” the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) …
SMEs are cautiously optimistic 5. August 2006 by Thomas Jannot The Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) presented a new report on small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) last week. According to a recent survey by the DIHK which questioned more than 20.000 SMEs, 32 percent of all companies are currently thinking that their business position is “good”, 51 percent consider it to …
Chancellor Merkel addresses SMEs in podcast message 5. August 2006 by Thomas Jannot In her regular podcast the German Chancellor this time addresses small and medium-sized entities (SMEs). The motto of her campaign in favour of SMEs is “Try more freedom”. In her audio and video message Mrs. Angela Merkel explains how the German government wants to put into practice the plans of the campaign.
Companies are not taking data protection seriously 5. August 2006 by Thomas Jannot A survey carried out by Compuware in co-operation with the National Initiative for Internet Security (NIFIS) revealed that 64 percent of IT decision makers use real client data for application tests thereby taking risks of having to pay fines or being punished otherwise according to the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). This …
Guide cautions SMEs against unknown cost trap 5. August 2006 by Thomas Jannot The BusinessVillage website cautions against a kind of duty to be paid which is mostly unknown: irrespective of whether you are an entrepreneur in the goods-producing industry or having your own agency, you will have to pay so-called social art contributions, if for advertising reasons you make use of the services of freelance graphic designers, …
Marketing days in Erfurt marked by Europe 5. August 2006 by Thomas Jannot There will be a series of events organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Erfurt which are called “marketing days” and will take place under the motto “Europe – people, markets, marketing”. In total there will be seven seminars and workshops organized between September 5th and 15th which address in particular small and …
Wholesale business is doing well 5. August 2006 by Thomas Jannot The wholesale business is looking back onto a successful first half of the year. According to Mr Anton Börner, chairman of the Association of German Whole and Foreign Trade (BGA), the current boom has led to significant growth in this economic sector. The optimistic announcement came on the occasion of the publication of turnover figures …
Financial Times to stage a private equity conference 5. August 2006 by Thomas Jannot After the debate on Mr. Franz Müntefering´s comparison of hedge funds to voracious locusts has cooled off, one today wonders whether private equity (⇒ Wikipedia) may not rather become Germany’s driving force for efficiency and competitiveness. On the occasion of the 2nd private equity conference organized by the Financial Times Deutschland on September 6th in …