100.000 Euro award for innovative packaging ideas 3. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot The Cofresco Institute has launched a competition for European researchers and research laboratories the winners of which will be awarded with a total of 100.000 Euros for innovative projects in the field of food packaging.
About 60 cities and their economic prospects 2. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot According to the findings of a study commissioned by the Capital magazine Munich is the city offering the best economic prospects in Germany. Stuttgart came second followed by Dusseldorf. The study analyzed how sixty major German cities have developed since the year 2004 and in which way parameters such as economic growth, occupation, population and …
Consumer climate top in December 2006 1. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot According to a consumer climate study conducted by GfK the consumer climate reached its 2006 top level in December. There is markedly strong confidence in good economic development. After a slight increase in November the confidence rose strongly in December. The respective indicator rose by 25.4 to 35.7 points which is the highest level in …
Happy New Year! 1. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot The year 2006 is history. It was a year which at last gave rise to hope and which was marked by some economic success stories. After years of stagnation and sometimes heavy losses the year 2006 gave us a sustainable economic upswing and the football world cup which was a celebration of life. Things could …
German trade associations with a lot of optimistism for 2007 29. December 2006 by Thomas Jannot The Cologne-based Institute for the German Economy (IW) has questioned trade associations on the economic situation and their expectations for the year 2007. 32 of the 45 associations surveyed said that the mood in their member companies was better than one year ago. Nine associations reported about an unchanged and only four about a less …
Mechanical engineering sets up new output record 29. December 2006 by Thomas Jannot German mechanical engineering and plant construction will set up a new production record of about 158 billion Euros in 2006 which corresponds to a seven percent increase. Thus, in real terms German mechanical engineering has grown by 18% in the period from 2004 to 2006, as is estimated by the German Mechanical Engineering Association (VDMA).
Worldwide co-operation platform for SMEs launched 29. December 2006 by Thomas Jannot The traditional strengths of small and medium-sized entities such as flexibility, quick decision making as well as local co-operation lose their effectiveness in a business environment which is becoming more and more global. Quite often small and medium-sized entities have to co-operate with business partners, clients and suppliers from all over the world. Therefore, in …
Discontinuous professional careers more and more frequent 28. December 2006 by Thomas Jannot Careers which do not reflect continuous professional development are still perceived as problematic for further success. But white spots on people’s CVs are ever more frequent and always less a sign of professional failure, as reveals a study conducted by the IAB institute. In the course of the study only careers of West German professionals …
Best prospects for economic development since 1991 28. December 2006 by Thomas Jannot The “Industry report 2006/2007″compiled by the Association of German Chambers of Commerce (DIHK) is quite encouraging. This report forecasts quite a robust industrial upswing and 30.000 new jobs. According to a current DIHK survey conducted among member companies, in 2006 the assessment of the economic situation by industrial enterprises has even been as positive as …
2006 record year for download providers 27. December 2006 by Thomas Jannot In spite of all the croaking by copyright holder associations this year the business with legal downloads has really gotten under way. Whether this be music, talking books, videos, games or software – never before have Germans spent that much money as in 2006 for legal downloads onto their computers. Turnovers amount to more than …