Share of R&D in EU´s GDP stagnating 15. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot The expenditure by the 27 EU member states (EU27) on research and development (R&D) accounted for 1.84 percent of the EU´s GDP in 2005 which is the same value as for the year 2004. In real terms, however, expenditure rose by 1.5% in the period from 2001 to 2005, as was reported by the European …
Market for organic food booming 15. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot A new study by the GFK research institute on the consumption of food organicly produced has revealed that in 2006 ninety percent of all German households at least once bought organic food. For the period from January to September 2006 expenditure on organic food also increased by 17 percent as compared to the same period …
International credit transfers have become cheaper 15. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot EU legislation on international money transfers has lead to major cost cuts for bank clients. Thus, the costs for a money transfer of 100 Euros which had amounted to 24 Euros prior to new EU directives now on average stand at just 2.50 Euros. Furthermore, the new rules have provided incentives for banks to invest …
Information site on EU research policies online 15. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot A new and to high-tech entrepreneurs very interesting information tool has gone online recently: Erawatch. This information platform provided by the EU Commission provides up-to-date information and analyses on the development of research systems and research policies of all EU member states as well as information on the latest documents relating to research policies, research …
Vienna charme pays off in cyberspace as well 14. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot Hardly believable: the special diplomatic charme of Vienna which already in the old times of monarchy made Vienna an international stage for diplomats still works today – even in cyberspace. The negotiating talent of people from Viena was demonstrated in the course of an international experiment in which 141 students from the universities of Hohenheim, …
In 2006 economic growth strongest since 2000 12. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot Now it has been officially confirmed: strong economic growth in Germany is not something just fancied, but a fact. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, GDP adjusted for price was 2.5% stronger in 2006 than in the previous year. The seasonally adjusted figure even reveals a growth rate of 2.7% which is the …
New study on the future of bio science markets available in English 11. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot Not only information technology is an industry of the future. With life sciences there is a second boom sector which is at least equally promising. Life science is an expression which describes the interdisciplinary part of biology, chemistry, human medicine and nutritional science, to be more precise that part which does not relate to basic …
One third of business clients do not give a second chance 11. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot If you make a mistake, you should be given a second chance. But in the real world of business you cannont expect this kind of fairness. According to a survey conducted jointly by the Easynet service provider and the British polling firm YouGov, 37% of German business clients will turn their backs on their service …
Salaries paid in industry rose by 1.8 percent in October 2006 10. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot According to preliminary figures provided by the Federal Statistical Office people working full time in industry earned on average 3103 Euros in October 2006 which is an increase by 1.8% as compared to the previous month. Given that consumer prices increased by just 1.1% over the same period, salaries grew by 0.7 percent in real …
Foreign trade continues growing 10. January 2007 by Thomas Jannot For quite a long time foreign trade business has been booming. Now it has once again grown , as was reported today in Berlin by the German Association of Wholesale and Foreign trade (BGA). The growth figures published by the Federal Statistical Office in its monthly report for November 2006 are said to provide evidence …