At, we’ve spent the past three years researching the daily economic news on behalf of foreign companies looking to invest in Germany. In doing so, we’ve learned that alongside the commercial and policy-related facts, there is one much more important subject that is now preoccupying us far more: secure conduct of business.
Every day, our team – which is organised on an entirely decentralised basis – needs to communicate over the internet. Problems are regularly encountered when doing so – problems which at least once a year could take on a scale such as to threaten a company’s survival, had the subject of IT security not been addressed. We have already twice taken the step of describing the things that can happen, and how to protect yourself as a small business against the hazards posed by the digital age, in a PDF magazine with a traditional-style layout. In parallel with this, we have organised two CeBIT Security World forums, each of which attracted well over 10,000 visitors. The next forum is already in preparation.
We’d like to invite our readers to participate in this development. That’s why, from July 2009 onwards, we’ll be reporting in this magazine on everything that makes the work of networked teams in SMEs more secure. Our new portfolio of reports will take in breaking news, reports on events, and the background stories. All good reasons for keeping us high on your reading list…