In February 2009 turnover generated by the German processing industry was down by 23.3% as compared to February last year. This drop was even bigger than that in January this year (-19.9 %). Such a huge drop in turnover had never been registered since the index in question was first introduced in the year 1991. Particularly affected was turnover generated in the business with foreign clients which fell by -27.5 % while turnover generated within Germany decreased by 19.5%. As compared to January this year turnover fell by 4.3% in February after adjustment for season and calendar.
Comparison with February 2008
Among most important German lines of industry the drop in turnover was biggest among manufacturers of motor vehicles and components thereof (-39.6%) with domestic turnover falling by 30.4% and foreign turnover by -44.5%. In the metal producing and processing industry turnover fell by 29.9% (in Germany: -30.3 %, abroad: -29.2 %), the respective figures for mechanical engineering were -22.3%(-25.8%, -19.6%). Turnover in the chemical industry dropped by 25.8% in February this year as compared to last year.
Comparison with January 2009
Turnover was down by 4.6% in the business with domestic purchasers and that generated abroad by 3.8%. Turnover generated in the Eurozone fell by 5.9% and that generated in non-Eurozone countries by 1.9 % (following -14.6% in January).