Wholesale trade selling prices were down by 5.7 % in February 2009 as compared to February last year and by 0.1% in comparison with January this year. In particular a drop in prices for mineral oil products and solid fuels affected the index of wholesale trade selling prices. Prices for these products fell by 14.8% as compared to February 2008 and slightly increased on January this year (+0.8%).
Wholesale trade selling prices for ores, metals and semi-finished metal products fell by 9.1% over the past year.
In agriculture and the food industry wholesale trade selling prices developped differently. Corn, seeds and fodder were 39.5 % less expensive than in February 2008, but 4.4% more expensive as compared to January this year. The respective changes for milk, dairy products, eggs, cooking oil and edible fat were -10.5 % and -2.1 %. For fruits, vegetables and potatoes wholesale trade selling price changes were +2.9 % and +3.0 % respectively.