Tourism continues growing in Germany

The number of overnight stays was up by 5% in July as compared to July last year. Out of the total number of 44.8 million overnight stays 37.5 million were spent by German tourists (+5%) and 7.3 million by foreigners (+4%). In the period from June to July this year the number of overnight stays increased by 5%. Ernst Hinken, who is representative for tourism and appointed by the German government, thinks that the tourist industry in Germany could be even more successful, if “oil companies passed drop in prices on the oil markets immediately on to consumers as they did over recent months.”

In the hotel industry the number of overnight stays increased by 4% to 22.3 million in July this year as compared to July last year and by 2% to 4.2 million in rehabilitation clinics. For all other kinds of accomodation such as camping sites, holidays homes and flats overnight stays increased by 7% to 18.3 million.

Comparing the period from January to July this year with that same period last year there were 4% more overnight stays which amounted to 210 million in total of which 177.6 million were accounted for by Germans (+3%) and 32.4 million by foreign tourists (+5%).

The above findings refer to places of accomodation with at least nine beds. GERMAN
