The internet is becoming the most important means when it comes to finding a job. According to the German Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media (BITKOM), 38% of all Germans have already used it in their search. Among the young generation aged up to 35 years this percentage even amounts to 55%.
Thus, small and medium-sized entities looking for specialists have to publish their vacancies on the internet given that it is most of the time highly qualified people who use the internet for finding a new place of work. However, many small and medium-sized entities still fail to do so.
The representative survey which revealed the findings referred to by BITKOM was carried out by the Forsa market research institute which questioned 1003 Germans aged between 16 and 65 years. Those surveyed were also asked which kind of job searches they made use of. More than fifty percent of them answered that they looked on traditional online job markets or that they directly visited the websites of potential employers in order to find a suitable place of work. One third use online job markets specific to a certain line of industry or the websites of those daily newspapers publishing most job ads in print.