Consumer prices up by 1.9% as compared to last year

As is reported by the Federal Statistical Office, the German consumer price index for May 2007 will probably be 1.9% higher than in May 2006. As compared to April 2007, however, the increase is just 0.2%. The moderate price increase since April 2007 is due to falling prices for seasonal foods.

Also in the field of household energy (electricity, gas, fuel oil, long-distance heating) prices remained unchanged or even fell as compared to the previous month (between +0.2% and -0.6%). Major price differences in different Federal Länder were registered with regard to fuel oil (between +1.4% and -2.0% as compared to the previous month and between -6.3% and -13.5% as compared to the same month in 2006). Fuel was more expensive in six Federal Länder (between +0.5% and 3.9% compared to the previous month and between 1.0% and 3.7% as compared to last year). Prices for all-inclusive trips and holiday accomodation also increased due to seasonal factors by between +5.7% and +1.9% and between +11.8% and +5.2% respectively.

The harmonized consumer price index for Germany is expected to rise by 2.0% in May 2007 as compared to May 2006 (April 2007: + 2.0%). Compared to the previous month the index increased by just 0.2%.

According to the Federal Statistical Office, the final figures for May 2007 will be available on June 14th. GERMAN
