Innovative TV services could provide opportunities to SMEs

“Triple-Play”, “mobile TV” and “IP-TV” are slogans which for years have gone the round but apart from initial euphoria and some small-scale market testing to date have only yielded little -if any – convincing services. Is there still a chance for IP-TV and mobile TV, which has just been launched for test reasons, to become successful applications? What are they doing and who can benefit from them? Are there sensible business applications provided by these technologies? Which value could they give to business? Do they open up new fields of activity to small and medium-sized entities?

Answers to these and many other questions on the subject are given to interested entrepreneurs in our new M´BlogDocument “0612 – Triple-Play, mobile TV and IP-TV“. Its author is Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Kaack, economic adviser and managing director of the STZ Consulting Group. The 11-page PDF brochure (approx. 1,4 MB) is as usual available for free-of-charge download. GERMAN
