The general equal treatment law (AGG) was put into force on Friday. “By introducing this law Germany meets its obligation of translating four EU directives on the protection from discrimination into national policy”, says Dr. Gerhard Sabathil, the EU Commission’s chief representative in Germany, who welcomes the entry into force of the new law…
The directive on equal treatment irrespective of race or ethnic origin (2000/43/EG) from June 29th 2000 is available here …
The (2000/78/EG) directive from November 27th 2000 establishing a general legal framework for the implementation of equal treatment in the field of work and employment can be looked up here …
The directive (2004/113/EG) from December 13th 2004 on the amendment of the EU Council´s 76/207/EWG directive on the implementation of equal treatment of men and women with regard to access to employment, professional training and professional career as well as work conditions is available here …
Further information about European anti-discrimination legislation is available on the Commissions webpage.