The expert portal for strategy, innovation and technology know-how provides specific support in the development of business, process and technology strategies to manufacturing companies in German-speaking countries. It offers manuals, process and method descriptions as well as tools such as Excel templates, checklists etc. The target group are experts and executives from the fields of product development (S&D), product management, technology and and innovation management, strategic planning as well as students and university staff. The annual fee to be paid for the service amounts to 49 Euros.
The expert portal was set up by the Heinz Nixdorf Institute (at the university of Paderborn), the professorship for product development at the Technical University Munich, by the professorship for production systems (WZL Aachen) and the UNITY AG. The contents of the portal is mainly based on the results of the Strategische Produkt- und Prozessplanung (SPP)- research project which was sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The project´s objective was the strengthening of strategic competence of small and medium-sized entities in the field of mechanical engineering.