Amazon most popular site among online purchasers in Germany 27. April 2009 by Thomas Jannot Amazon serves about 16.7 million German internet purchasers which is more than any other online purchase and trading platform. eBay ranks second this year. Amazon recently improved the variety of its product range and lowered its freight charges. This was the finding of the “Online Shopping Survey” (OSS) carried out by the association for research …
Economic crisis leads to stagnating salaries 23. April 2009 by Thomas Jannot On a global scale 39% of businesses expect business results at the end of 2009 to be worse than those in 2008. In Europe even 45 % of all businesses think so. In view of these grim prospects more than one third of all businesses have frozen in wages and salaries at the level of …
Number of new apprenticeship contracts down by 13,100 23. April 2009 by Thomas Jannot The number of apprenticeship contract fell significantly in the year 2008. According to preliminary calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, in the year 2008 about 610,800 new apprenticeship contracts were closed in Germany which were 2.1% or 13,100 contracts less than in the year 2007. In particular in the east of Germany and Berlin the …
Prime costs down by 0.5 percent in March 23. April 2009 by Thomas Jannot The prime cost index for industrial goods was down by 0.5% as compared to March 2008 which is the most significant change since September 2002. In comparison with February 2009, the index fell by 0.7%. This reduction is mainly due to the development in prices for intermediate inputs for which prices fell by 3.9% as …
Only six percent of businesses have problems in taking out loans 22. April 2009 by Thomas Jannot Only a small number of businesses have so far been denied, reduced or withdrawn loans by their banks. Therefore, according to researchers from the association on research on consumption (GfK), the feared credit problems have so far hardly emerged. In the course of a recent survey among 510 businesses it was revealed that a large …
Only moderate growth in demand to construction industry 22. April 2009 by Thomas Jannot According to the ifo institute, demand to the construction industry in Germany is going to grow by just 0.5% in real terms each year over the next ten years. The ifo experts believe that the current government programmes will not give significant new stimulus to the economy, given that demand for residential buildings but also …
Turnover in German hotel and restaurant industry down by 8.9 percent 20. April 2009 by Thomas Jannot In February 2009 the German hotel and restaurant industry suffered major drops in turnover as compared to February last year. According to the Federal Statistical Office, businesses in the hotel and restaurant industry generated -6.6% (nominally) and -8.9% turnover. As compared to January 2009 turnover increased by 0.8 % after adjustments for calendar and season.
Big drop in output of German crude steel 17. April 2009 by Thomas Jannot In the year 2008 the output of crude steel was down by 5.6% as compared to the year 2007. The institute for economic research in North Rhine-Westphalia (RWI) expect that steel output is going to fall by another 30 % this year and that it will increase by 4.2 % in 2010. Capacity utilization in …
Online advertising market affected by crisis too 17. April 2009 by Thomas Jannot In the first quarter 2009 online advertising generated 350 million Euros in turnover which is an increase by 15.1 % as compared to the respective quarter last year. In January this year turnover was up by 15.8 percent and in February and March by 14.8 % respectively. This is the finding of an analysis by …
Biggest drop in wholesale trade prices since 1987 17. April 2009 by Thomas Jannot In March 2009 wholesale trade prices were down by 8.0% as compared to March last year which was the biggest annual drop since the year 1987. In the period from February to March this year the decrease amounted to 0.9 %. In particular prices for energy influenced the development of wholesale trade prices. For solid …