Germany remains Europe’s most attractive industrial site 8. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot Despite the current economic crisis Germany is still Europe’s most attractive place to invest in, given that Germany is able to tackle problems better than other countries, in the opinion of international managers. This was revealed in the brand new “European Attractiveness Survey” by the Ernst & Young accountancy and consulting firm. According to the …
Women choose careers with less prospects of promotion 8. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot The share of women in leading positions in the private industry fell back to the level of five years ago in the year 2007 reaching 27%. The number of female executives in lower management and in expert positions is still relatively high. In middle and top management, however, male executives play the dominating role. Insufficient …
Manufacturer prices continue falling in EU 5. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot Manufacturer prices in European industry slightly fell in April on the previous month by 1.0% in the Eurozone (EZ16) and by 1.1% in the EU27. In March the changes on February had been -0.7 % and -0.5 % respectively. As compared to April 2008, prices fell by 4.6 % and 3.9 % respectively, according to …
Flexible work time and short-work attenuate crisis 5. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot According to the IAB institute, the economic crisis would already have much more seriously affected the labour market without flexible work time and short-work. Thus, work overtime accounts have already been reduced by on average 6 hours in the wake of the crisis. Furthermore, the number of people working short has increased significantly in the …
Purchase manager index gaining momentum 4. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot There are more and more positive signs for the German economy: the influential Markit/BME purchase manager index (EMI, edition 6/2009) increased for the fourth time in a row in May from 35.4 to 39.6 points. This was the most significant increase since this index had been first calculated in the year 1996. However, the critical …
Leading entrepreneurs honoured in Monte Carlo 4. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot The award ceremony for this year’s „World Entrepreneur of the Year“ took place in Monte Carlo last weekend. The international jury was made up of businessmen and academics and was led by the renowned Ernst & Young consulting firm. Nominated were businesses from 43 countries. This year’s winner and therefore “World Entrepreneur of the Year …
Turnover in German retail trade sale down by 0.8 % in April 3. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot German retail trade sales figures were down by 0.8% in April 2008 as compared to April last year. In nominal terms turnover was down by 0.9 %. However, these smaller sales volumes might partly be due to the fact that in April 2009 there were two working days less than in April last year. In …
Highest rate of unemployment in the Eurozone since 1999 2. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot The rate of unemployment in the Eurozone (EZ16) amounted to 9.2% in April. In the EU27 unemployment was 8.6 % in April following 8.4 % in March and 6.8 % in April last year. Unemployment in the Eurozone in April was the highest since September 1999.
Change in trend on mobile phone market to come soon 2. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot Even though the number of mobile phones sold this year is expected to reach just 26.3 million, which would be a drop by -5.2%, BITKOM expect a change in trend next year with 26.9 million units probably to be sold. This forecast by BITKOM is based on new data provided by the EITO market research …
Hi-Fi exhibition sets new exhibitor record 1. June 2009 by Thomas Jannot This year’s small but prestigious “High End 2009” exhibition came to a successful end on May 24th in Munich. This fair is said to be the international reference exhibition for Hi-Fi technology. This year’s result: a record number of 248 exhibitors of high-quality consumer electronics, most of them small and medium-sized entities (SMEs), met with …