Company succession to be planned in time in order to be successful 23. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot Each year about 80.000 company owners are looking for a successor with the result being more or less satisfying. In many cases even sound companies are liquidated because the search for a successor was not started in time or due to faults in the selection process.
Insolvencies can be avoided by punctual intervention 22. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot An insolvency is one of the worst things which can happen to entrepreneurs. However, insolvencies are »an inseparable part of market happenings«, claims Dr. Jürgen Kaack who is an economic adviser. He is also a graduate physicist, managing director of the STZ-Consulting Group and author of our recent M’Blogdocument »case study of an insolvency«.
Ranking of 500 strongest growing SMEs in Europe 22. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot Until the 30th of June there is still time for small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) to submit applications in order to take part in the »Europe’s 500« competition. At the end of this competition there will be awards for those 500 SMEs which are growing the most and generating most jobs.
Economic advisers collect signatures against VAT increase 21. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot In spite of the ratification of an accompanying budget law last Friday, which confirmed the VAT increase in Germany, the Federal Association of German economic advisers to SMEs e. V.(BVDMB) calls for support of its plan to get under way a petition against the increase. The association which considers itself as the mouthpiece of small …
Managing directors of private limited companies also liable with their private property 21. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot In an article published by the Verlagswelt Magazine Mr. Ralf Kaske, who is a lawyer, cautions against the widely accepted opinion that managing directors of small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) were only liable to a limited extent. Nowadays even in cases of slight negligence of their duty of diligence by managing directors claims for compensation …
90 percent of patent applications submitted by SMEs 21. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot In the year 2005 more than 90 percent of patent applications in Europe came from companies and inventors, who submitted less than five inventions for protection by patent. This, according to the European Patent Office (EPA), is a sign of the European patent being very important to small and medium-sized entities (SMEs), as is reported …
Internet telephony and e-mailing important publicity tools of SMEs 20. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot According to the pressetext news service 95 percent of online marketing experts consider marketing by email to be the most effective tool to reach customers. This was confirmed by the »Online trends 2006« survey carried out by the German marketing-Börse service directory. Another finding was that no other medium represents as cost-effective a method of …
Black list of limited companies also published in Germany 19. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot Biweekly the English commercial register in London publishes a black list of companies which were deleted or are to be stroken off the commercial register within three months due to violations of English laws. One quarter of these companies are German limiteds (Ltd.).
Micro system technology in SMEs sponsored with 30 million Euros 19. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is to sponsor the application of micro system technology in small and medium-sized entities with 30 million Euros. To this end “application centres for micro system technology” are to be erected in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Bremen, North Rhine-Westphalia and Thuringia. The Federal research minister, Mrs. Annette Schavan …
IT security provides maximum potential for growth 17. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot TNS Infratest and the Institute for Information Economics (IIE) on the 15th of June presented in Berlin their report “Monitoring information economy” for 2006. The experts consider the topic “IT security” to be the outstanding engine of growth for the economic sector of information and communication technology in 2006. Security hardware, software and services will …