Electronic company register introduced 2. October 2006 by Thomas Jannot On Thursday the lower house of German parliament passed a new law on the introduction of an electronic trade register, cooperative register and company register. According to Brigitte Zypries, German minister of justice, “the new law will lead to a fundamental modernization of the handling of company data subject to disclosure. It will reduce information …
Internet flatrate instead of broadcasting fees 2. October 2006 by Thomas Jannot In response to the current discussion about the introduction of GEZ fees for computers ( we reported on this) the Interoute Deutschland internet provider wants to offer a special DSL flatrate called “No GEZ” from January 1st next year. This flatrate is to provide users with all the relevant services of a T-DSL flat rate …
One quarter of Germans prefer working with SMEs 1. October 2006 by Thomas Jannot Those times in which employees were very keen on working with major enterprises and corporate groups are over. The majority of Germans attach more importance to what the new job sought is all about rather than to the size of a potential new employer. Thus, only 17 percent of Germans prefer working with a major …
Study on salaries by Kienbaum shows: the bigger the company, the bigger the salary 27. September 2006 by Thomas Jannot Total salaries of executive managers vary quite a lot. They range from less than 30.000 Euro to more than half a million Euro per year. Almost fifty percent of executive managers are paid between 50.000 and 100.000 Euro. 37 percent earn between 100.000 and 150.000 Euro and 12 percent are remunerated with more than 150.000 …
What will the internet be like in 2020? 27. September 2006 by Thomas Jannot As was shown by an US survey there are quite different expectations by experts on the future development of the internet ranging from being positive to horror scenarios. A report from “The Pew Internet and American Life Project” provides a summary on the forecasts for the World Wide Web in 2020.
Energy saving potential of SMEs discovered by a new check 27. September 2006 by Thomas Jannot An energy check over the internet being free of charge and offered by the Energy Agency of North Rhine-Westphalia provides the service of calculating the energy saving potential to small and medium-sized entities. It helps to discover energy saving potential in companies in an easy and yet precise way. And although it is not meant …
Voice systems affordable to SMEs 27. September 2006 by Thomas Jannot Customer service, personal customer relation management and other voice based services are labour intensive and expensive. On the other hand it is especially this personal contact with clients which is a strength and characteristic of small and medium-sized entities (SMEs). Voice systems based on special software could provide a solution at least for those cases …
Hackers to be more seriously punished 22. September 2006 by Thomas Jannot On Wednesday the German government passed a draft aimed at tigthening up the existing penal code thereby closing legal gaps so far open to hackers and other computer saboteurs. Although Germany´s penal code on computer issues already being quite voluminous, breathtaking new developments in the computer field are constantly generating new criminal dangers and possibilities …
E-commerce booming bombastically 22. September 2006 by Thomas Jannot Over the last few years the internet has developped into a huge platform for marketing, selling and work processes. However, it is still far from having exhausted all its potential. A yearbook called “Interactive trends 2006/2007” published by the digital media association on approx. 200 pages introduces its readers to current successful projects and selected …
Social commitment pays off 22. September 2006 by Thomas Jannot A current study by the GoodBrand & Co. consulting firm demonstrated that social commitment by companies will be rewarded by consumers. According to the study, when making their buying decisions German consumers attach increasing importance to whether the selling company is committed to social and environmental issues (Corporate Social Responsibility). Also important are ethical marketing …