Economic trends and expectations contradict each other 29. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot Willingness to buy has once again reached a peak according to the current consumer climate study prepared by the Association for Consumer Research (GfK). The consumer climate indicator for July will presumably rise by 0.8 points to 7.8 points. The main reason for this, however, seem to be expectations of higher prices due to the …
Chinese top executives are becoming scarce and expensive 29. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot For German small and medium-sized entities having to struggle with competition from the Far East it may be a reason for hoping that the price war may be less fierce in the future. For those, however, who are directly committing themselves in China the findings of a joint study by the Hewitt Associates management consultancy …
Progress made in the implementation of e-business solutions 29. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot Such is one finding of the “e-business barometer 2006/2007” which was published yesterday. For the study 6.000 e-business decision makers in German industrial and service companies had been surveyed in the spring of 2006. The study analyses the status quo and prospects of e-business implementation in the German economy.
There is still time for SMEs to take part in worthwile study 29. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot Until the 30th of June there is still time for small and medium-sized trade companies to take part in the “Internet and trade 2006” study organized by the e-commerce center for trade (ECC Handel). By this study the ECC analyses the use of the Internet particularly in small and medium-sized entities (SMEs). The study is …
Who are Germany´s best employers in 2007? 28. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot All German companies employing at least 50 staff are invited to take part in a new round of the »Great Place to Work« competition which honours »Germany´s best employers« and is organized each year by the Great Place to Work Institute Germany in co-operation with the psychonomics AG research institute. Application deadline is September 30th …
Open source experts sought for 28. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot The Heise Zeitschriften Verlag is sending a call for papers to all practical people and experts in the open source community. From today you can apply for giving a talk at the »Open Source Meets Business« convention. This convention of IT and business decision makers is organized by the Heise Zeitschriften publishing house for the …
New service explains abbreviations to professionals 28. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot Abbreviations are something quite confusing to readers. Often one thinks to know what they mean. But then again, if somebody asks more detailed questions on abbreviations, one is not that sure any more on what they stand for. For that reason abbreviations are disapproved-of in editorial texts. At least they are often used only after …
IT companies publish job offers mainly online 26. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot News aktuell (ots) reports: In May the » IT job index« reached 177 points which is one point less than in the previous month. After a strong increase of job offers in April the IT job market currently seems to lose momentum. The number of vacancies published on the websites of the Top 500 IT …
New guide makes risk management easier for SMEs 26. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot Any company wants to seize the opportunities presenting themselves on their respective markets. However, there are no opportunities without risks! Risks cannot be avoided and are in general not something negative. Opportunities and risks just have to be well-balanced against each other, and risks threatening the very existence of a company have to be identified …
Notebooks equipped with WLAN module dangerously insecure 25. June 2006 by Thomas Jannot In small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) there is an ever increasing usage of notebooks equipped with a WLAN adapter which turns on automatically during Windows installation. The possessors of such notebooks are under the threat of air attacks! As was reported by the Pressetext news agency, the discovery of defective WLAN drivers is causing quite …