Slight economic growth in Europe 14. August 2006 by Thomas Jannot As compared with the respective quarter of the previous year the gross domestic product (GDP) has grown by 2.4 percent in the Eurozone and by 2.6 percent in the Europe of the 25 in the second quarter of 2006. Thus, compared with the first quarter in 2006 the GDP has increased by 0.9 percent in …
Attention: dubious ad emails going round 14. August 2006 by Thomas Jannot The Federal Office for Security in Information Technology (BSI) today issued a warning against undesired emails currently going round with the sender being “Germany Online Consult” or “Consult-Online-AG”. The purpose of these emails is the spying out of account details and signatures in order to obtain illegal debit entries.
MVNOs fight for market share in the US 14. August 2006 by Thomas Jannot Whereas in Europe the market for Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) is currently being extended by operators providing premium services tailored to special target groups, there is – according to a recent study by the Strategy Analytics market research institute – a first consolidation already taking place on the US market. MVNOs such as Helio …
EU-wide mergers facilitated 13. August 2006 by Thomas Jannot On the 9th of August the German government has passed the draft of a second law on the modification of the Transformation Act. In future it will be easier for German public limited companies to merge with companies from other countries in the EU. But also in the opposite direction mergers by foreign companies with …
How to negotiate successfully with French business partners 13. August 2006 by Thomas Jannot A seminar on the 14th of September in Frankfurt/Main provides German business people with the opportunity to find out how to communicate successfully with French business partners and how to avoid misunderstandings due to cultural differences. The seminar is organized by the German-French Chamber of Commerce (Chamber for Foreign Trade, AHK) and the Chamber of …
Labour costs of almost 28 Euros per hour 13. August 2006 by Thomas Jannot West German industrial companies had to spend 27.87 Euros per labour hour in 2005. Only in Norway (29.45 Euros) and Denmark (28.33 Euros) industrial labour cost were still higher. On the other hand, the major competitors on the world market such as Italy, Japan, the United States, Great Britain and France only had to pay …
Foreign trade successful in the first half of the year 13. August 2006 by Thomas Jannot Slowing down a little bit – in part due to a few working days less in the month of June – a very successful development over the first half of the year has come to an end for the German export industry. Imports keep being at a high level too, said Mr Anton Börner, chairman …
Off topic: Ontario Golf prospectus & Indian Summer 13. August 2006 by Thomas Jannot Since there is no good business without relaxation here a brief recommendation to golf sports fans among our MittelstandsBloggers: The Ontario tourist association has just published a marvelous “Golf Ontario Style 2006” golf guide in PDF format (8MB) which in addition to publicity also contains a lot of information on the golf scene. The guide …
Competition for EU environmental communication award started 13. August 2006 by Thomas Jannot As of now companies may submit their application for participation in the “EMAS Award 2006” EU competition for environmental communication. This was announced by the Association of German Chambers of Commerce (DIHK) which is responsible for the selection of the most suitable German aspirants. The German Chambers of Industry and Commerce being responsible for taking …
ADVERT: READY FOR DIGITAL AUDITS? 10. August 2006 by Thomas Jannot Digital audits represent big challenges to small and medium-sized entities (SMEs). This subject matter is complex and the need for information is huge. What preconditions do companies have to fulfill? And how can a data processing system provide the necessary infrastructure to this end? Test your company, get an overview of the facts and the …