Staff management check and free-of charge ebook for SMEs 15. September 2006 by Thomas Jannot Visiting entrepreneurs and staff managers may have the quality of their companies´s staff management checked. The result of this check is based on a comparison with several hundred companies which -according to the MA&T Organisationsentwicklung GmbH – have already undergone the check. After the check participants have the possibility to download an ebook called …
Which are the most innovative SMEs? 13. September 2006 by Thomas Jannot Who is most innovative? To find out just this is the mission of the renowned “Top 100 – The 100 most innovative small and medium-sized companies” project. The annual event dedicated to innovation management will once more start in September. Those SMEs which make it into the first hundred will be awarded the “Top 100” …
TTC data base now also comprises all German speaking countries 13. September 2006 by Thomas Jannot The “infodienst-ausschreibungen” online portal have extended their TTC (tender to contract) data base by data relating to the Austrian and Swiss markets thereby allegedly becoming the biggest service provider of its kind in Europe. The portal was launched one year ago and due to this latest extension its data base currently contains TTC information from …
Internet radio opens up new opportunities to SMEs 13. September 2006 by Thomas Jannot According to the BITKOM Confederation for information management, telecommunications and new media in Europe there are 20.4 million people listening to the radio over the internet (15.1 million last year). Thus, this market will grow by more than one third in the current year alone. These figures are based on the findings of a recent …
Guide on internet telefony for SMEs published 13. September 2006 by Thomas Jannot A guide on internet telephonie (VoIP) drawn up by Swyx, a VoIP provider, is now available to small and medium-sized entities (SMEs). The brochure is to explain the advantages of VoIP to decision makers and managing directors in SMEs and serve as a reference. It contains a lot of useful information.
Microsoft threatens EU to postpone Vista launch 10. September 2006 by Thomas Jannot The antimonopoly dispute between Microsoft and the European Commission is about to escalate. In a press statement released on September 7th Microsoft threatened to again postpone the launch date of Windows Vista ,which is the operating system successor to Windows XP, in Europe as a consequence of continuing objections on part of the European antimonopoly …
Economy in Europe grows faster and faster 8. September 2006 by Thomas Jannot This year economic growth has accelerated to 2.7 percent in the EU and to 2.5 percent in the Eurozone. According to the Commission growth is mainly driven by internal demand, in particular by investment, and has not been that strong since the year 2000. In view of this favourable business climate the labour market is …
Unit labour costs still relatively high in Germany 8. September 2006 by Thomas Jannot As was reported by the Cologne-based Institute of the German Economy (IW Köln) a comparison among 15 industrialized countries showed that Germany had the fifth highest unit labour costs in 2005 after those of Great Britain, Denmark, Italy and France. On average, Germany´s competitors in the processing industry had labour costs per production unit which …
Personnel outsourcing industry reaches critical point 7. September 2006 by Thomas Jannot According to the Gartner market research institute the outsourcing industry is once again considered to grow strongly in the current year. A total turnover of 134.7 billion Dollars in this sector which is expected by the end of this year would amount to a growth by 8.3 percent as compared to the previous year. However, …
Open source provides big saving potential to SMEs 5. September 2006 by Thomas Jannot A change over to freely available applications may lead to substantial cost reductions for small and medium-sized entities (SMEs), given that license fees would no longer be applicable. Linux-based applications are an interesting alternative to the dominating messaging groupware solutions such as Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Notes. A report by Berlecon Research demonstrates that many …