Out of boredom many women shop on the internet 31. October 2006 by Thomas Jannot The “E-Shopping-Trends 2006” study by novomind comes up with important findings for any internet shop operator. Among other things it reveals that virtually one third of women questioned shop on the internet due to the fact that they are bored or do not have anything better to do. Thus, about half of them start out …
How to be successful in public relations 31. October 2006 by Thomas Jannot Having a positive image in the eyes of the public is a competitive advantage. In order to underline the value added by their products and services companies not only commit themselves to efficient marketing and advertising but also to public relations. In his book “Öffentlichkeitsarbeit” Mr Markus Reiter describes any effective methods of communication known. …
Banks are thought to hinder innovation 31. October 2006 by Thomas Jannot A joint study by the impulse magazine (11/06 issue) and the Forsa-Institut on the subject matter of innovation management shows that the readiness of banks to support innovations is seen to be quite limited or very small by most small and medium-sized entities. Just twenty percent of entrepreneurs have the impression that their innovative ideas …
Legal co-operation between Germany and China strengthened 26. October 2006 by Thomas Jannot The Federal minister of justice, Brigitte Zypries, has met today her Chinese colleague, Wu Aying, in order to discuss issues concerning the legal co-operation between both countries. Among the questions discussed were topics which are of high importance to German companies doing business in China: besides questions about the safeguard of intellectual property they also …
Applications for International Technology Award may be submitted from today 26. October 2006 by Thomas Jannot For the fourth time the Deutsche Messe AG sponsors an international technology award, i.e. the Hermes Award 2007, which is to draw the attention to forward-looking new developments presented on the occasion of the Hannover Messe fair. The award is endowed with 100.000 Euro which means that it is one of the most prestigious international …
MittelstandsWiki launched officially 26. October 2006 by Thomas Jannot Well timed with the start of the Systems fair, the MittelstandsWiki know-how portal for small and medium-sized entities has officially been brought online. This new portal provides a common frame to the MittelstandsBlog, the ITK-, KMU-, Pod- weblogs as well as the SME Journal. All journals, the MittelstandsBlog and the comprehensive MittelstandsWiki are online magazines …
Commitment of SMEs abroad creates new jobs in Germany 25. October 2006 by Thomas Jannot The nationwide “Going International 2006” survey organised in the summer this year by the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Trade (DIHK) came up with interesting findings. In contrast to the accepted opinion, commitments abroad created more jobs in Germany than were made redundant. According to the study about 41 percent of companies operating abroad increased …
Entry standard well received on the stock exchange 25. October 2006 by Thomas Jannot One year after its introduction the Entry Standard has established itself as an alternative stock exchange segment for small and medium-sized entities with less stringent admission requirements. “The 66 companies listed, the high liquidity and the growing number of banks attending to the needs of SMEs going public are a proof of the high acceptance …
41 percent of SMEs do not take innovation seriously 24. October 2006 by Thomas Jannot Many small and medium-sized entities think that they could do completely without innovations. This finding which is alarming with regard to the competitiveness of German companies was brought to light by a Forsa survey among more than 500 companies with up to 1000 employees. Thus, 41 percent of those questioned consider the pressure on their …
SMEs in need of more equity capital 24. October 2006 by Thomas Jannot According to a new survey by the Verband der Vereine Creditreform e.V. the financial resources of small and medium-sized entities in Germany are still inadequate. Although the number of underfunded companies (an equity/balance sheet total ratio of less than 0.1) has fallen by 7.3 percent to 29.3 percent, the number of soundly financed companies (equity/balance sheet …