Kazakhstan of interest to German companies 27. November 2006 by Thomas Jannot Kazakhstan has recently made negative headlines worldwide. In the film called „Bortat” the British actor Cohen is currently beating and belching his way through cinemas in his role as an unspeakably mannerless reporter. In reality, however, Kazakhstan is an economically stable country with a westerly atmosphere which is worth being taken into account by small …
Spam test available free of charge 27. November 2006 by Thomas Jannot In particular small companies quite often do not have the time and the resources in order to continuously follow the complex and constantly changing requirements of internet-based services. One such area is the fight against spam mails. It is very important to small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) that their in- and outgoing emails be received …
Mittelstandsblog online for more than a year 27. November 2006 by Thomas Jannot Thirteen months ago the first articles were published on Mittelstandsblog. In the meantime their number has risen to more than 700, the administration of which had become increasingly difficult on the previous server. For this reason on Friday we changed over to a more powerful server and a new layout. In addition, the contents and …
International networks should be planned right now 26. November 2006 by Thomas Jannot Anybody planning to establish joint research and development projects with European partners from abroad may apply for grants which are given in the context of the European „EraSME” (Era small and medium-sized entities) initiative. The right time for applying is just now given that the third EraSME invitation to tender will commence on December 15th.
Bad marks for sales people 23. November 2006 by Thomas Jannot Members of staff working in the sales department only spend 11 percent of their working time on active selling and 9 percent on new acquisitions. According to their own feelings sales people think to spend 22 percent of their working time on active selling.
Threats to mobile end devices and ways to protect them 23. November 2006 by Thomas Jannot Notebooks, mobile phones, PDAs and other mobile data processing devices are ever more used by small and medium-sized entities. Despite the safety mechanisms already implemented into the devices and services there are many weak points and potential threats which have to be taken into account and averted in a targeted manner. To this end the …
Best of European Business Award to be assigned in Berlin 21. November 2006 by Thomas Jannot Today the Roland Berger Strategy Consultants will award the “Best of European Business Award” to most successful German companies. For the second time this competition which was launched in 2005 takes place in Germany. Winners in the “growth category” are the mechanical engineering company Benteler AG and the sports article manufacturer Puma AG. In the …
World market for Low Cost Cars will be booming 21. November 2006 by Thomas Jannot “The early bird catches the worm” study carried out by the automobile experts department at Roland Berger predicts a worldwide boom of so-called low cost cars (LCC), i.e. cars of the lower price segment. Experts think that by the year 2012 about 18 millions of such cars may be sold. Not only is this development …
Top manager prefer SMEs to major companies 20. November 2006 by Thomas Jannot About two thirds (65 percent) of German top managers prefer working in small and medium-sized entities, to be more precise in those SMEs with a turnover of between 50 and 500 million Euro (53.1 percent). Very surprising is the fact that 50 percent of executive managers already working for major companies feel also attracted by …
EU economy in top form in 2006 20. November 2006 by Thomas Jannot The autumn forecast by the EU commission on the economic development in 2006 and the two following years gives rise to optimism. The economic upturn is said to continue even though a little bit less vigorously than so far. The figures in the diagram refer to the Europe of the 25 member states.