Tips on how to return Christmas presents 26. December 2006 by Thomas Jannot Unfortunately this year again there will be some people pulling a long face because of disliked Christmas presents. However, this is not a problem given that an ever increasing number of people order their presents over the Internet. Presents ordered online may be particularly easily returned, says the German Association for Information Management, Telecommunications and …
We wish you a Merry Christmas! 25. December 2006 by Thomas Jannot Dear visitors and users of MittelstandsBlog and MittelstandsWiki, For many of us Christmas is one of the rare occasions on which we can allow ourselves some rest. Given that Christmas Eve this year happened to coincide with a Sunday even business this time was granted a calm start into the holiday season. Over the next …
Product liability in the USA is a risk which can be minimized 22. December 2006 by Thomas Jannot Many small and medium-sized entities as well as major enterprises shy at doing business on the highly interesting US market due to product liability regulations in the US which, by European standards, seem to be completely exaggerated and inscrutable. As a matter of fact, US product liability rules have the effect of a barrier protecting …
Only one in five employees is still a unionist 22. December 2006 by Thomas Jannot Unions are losing members on an unprecedented scale. This is demonstrated by the ALLBUS survey. In the old federal states only 21 percent of all employees are still unionised, whereas in 1980 this figure amounted to one third. Any age bracket with the sole exception of that of employees between the age of fourty and …
German SMEs strengthen ties with Russia 21. December 2006 by Thomas Jannot According to the Federal ministry for economic affairs and technology (BMWi) an important share of the 50 billion Euro record trade volume between Germany and Russia in 2006 is to be attributed to the approximately 4.500 German small and medium-sized entities operating in Russia. This underlines the importance of SMEs as a driving economic force.
Purchasing power growing in Germany with the East gaining ground 21. December 2006 by Thomas Jannot The purchasing power of German consumers is growing slowly but constantly and will continue like this in the near future. However, this growth is stronger in regions at the periphery of cities than in the cities themselves. Another positive fact is that purchasing power in the new federal states has become almost identical to that …
Content Management one of key topics at CeBIT 19. December 2006 by Thomas Jannot For the first time in the history of the CeBIT exhibition one of the main focuses will be on Web Content Management. In exhibition hall 3 the “Content Management Arena @ CeBIT 2007« theme platform is to present and discuss the potential and applications of new content technologies. Apart from traditional issues such as efficiency …
New economic report focuses on Chinese economy 19. December 2006 by Thomas Jannot The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Technology (BMWi) has markedly improved its monthly report on economic development. With numerous background information on national and foreign economic issues as well as many tables and diagrams the report re-named as ā€˛Highlights of Economic Policies” provides a comprehensive overview. China is one of its focal points.
Fifty percent of all companies already affected by white-collar criminality 18. December 2006 by Thomas Jannot A study by the Munich-based Result Group has revealed findings on white-collar criminality which give rise to concern for small and medium-sized entities (SMEs). These findings show that SMEs are even more frequently affected by industrial spying than corporate groups. 3.500 German companies of any size and operating in different branches of industry took part …
Only good websites ensure successful online shopping 15. December 2006 by Thomas Jannot A survey by the Forsa market research institute predicts a total turnover of the German online trade amounting to 23 billion Euros in 2006. The Federal association for information management, telecommunications and new media (BITKOM) even forecasts a turnover of 40 billion Euros for 2006. The German association for digital economy (BVDW) expects strong growth …