Programming languages: Python leading, Java falling

Python was the most popular programming language in the world for the fourth year in a row last year.

This emerges clearly from the figures from CodeEval, a platform for the placement of software developers. CodeEval performs over 600,000 coding tests at more than 2,000 employers each year. Python leads this list with a share of 31.24%, or about 3% more than last year. Next comes Java with 19.58%, although it is striking that this language is experiencing declining market shares for the third time in a row – in 2012, it was still at 25.8%. C++ comes in third, with 9.79%. This language is also seeing a decline in popularity. C#, in contrast, is enjoying significant growth and comes in 4th, with 7.37%. In 2012 it barely managed to garner a meagre 2.5% share. Placing from fifth to tenth are: Ruby (7.11%), JavaScript (6.48%), C (6.07%), PHP (3.62%), Go (2.26%) and Perl (1.52%). (Source: CodeEval/rf)
