Generation Y: Millennials are Selecting their Employers According to IT

When Generation Y step into a job interview, they are judging their future workplace initially on the hardware and software used by the company: young applicants’ first question is often about IT equipment, according to an observation from Experton – even before working hours and salary are discussed.

‘Generation Y’ or ‘millennials’ are terms used to describe those born between 1985 and 1995. In professional life, they want to work as freely as possible, experience confirmation, and they don’t want to be without mobile devices or social media. Their technologically savvy manner, however, often comes up against traditional business models, strict hierarchies and the idea of decisions made by just a few individuals. But where employers and CIOs establish a new way of working and, for example, integrate home office more effectively, both sides benefit: Generation Y has their desire for more feedback and freedom fulfilled, while the company enjoys an increase in efficiency. (Source: Experton Group/bs)
