Cloud computing: IT sees itself as an internal service provider

In order to better support business development, many IT managers want to transform their organisation into a service provider that provides internal services on demand. In about two-thirds of such cases, the required flexibility is to be provided by hybrid cloud architecture. Such a combination of private and public cloud services is already being used by more than a quarter of IT managers – the share of hybrid clouds has increased by 9% worldwide since 2013.

The key results have been provided by a global study that EMC carried out on more than 10,000 IT decision-makers from 33 countries. The objective was to find out how the role of IT is changing in the face of the digital transformation. There is a clear trend: for 71% of those surveyed, IT plays a strategic role as in-house, on-demand service broker. An important reason for this: 35% said that their company is currently lacking the IT knowledge and skills to achieve key business objectives. 69% expect it to be a big challenge over the next two to three years to train IT staff in the required expertise for the megatrends: Social, Mobile, Cloud and Big Data.
