The visual networking index compiled by Cisco, the network equipment provider, predicts that mobile data traffic in Germany will increase sevenfold by 2015. This means that traffic would increase three times more rapidly than the data volume flowing through the regular IP lines. Data transfer in excess of 4G (this refers primarily to LTE, the standard for wireless communication) is even expected to increase by 23 times the amount and account for 81% of the entire German mobile communication in 2019. At the end of 2014, this was only 26%.
The data volume of M2M connections (machine to machine) is also expected to increase significantly according to the study. Between 2014 and 2019 it is expected to increase by 37 times the amount, which would mean that machine communication would account for 14% of the entire mobile traffic in Germany. The increased use of cloud applications is said to be primarily responsible for this.
One factor of mobile traffic that has received little attention to date is Voice over WiFi, whereby in most cases Voice over WLAN, in short VoWLAN, is most likely meant. The study says that applications of a very high standard of quality are available today that could, for example, enable phone calls to be made by tablet. By 2019 this communication channel is even expected to overtake classic VoIP in terms of minutes of use.
Data traffic via Wearables is also expected to achieve measurable quantities by 2019. The study predicts that this traffic will account for approx. 1% of the entire mobile traffic and 2% of the data volume via smartphones in four years.
The Cisco VNI Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast is based on the assessments of analysts and Cisco itself. Hard data including readings on mobile data use and forecasts on mobile broadband speed and processing power are incorporated into the study. (Source: Cisco/rf)