Some 50% of SME start-ups fail within the first five years, although they hold the largest share of the European economy at 98 % and employ approx. 67% of workers in the EU. The purpose of two new projects at the Institut Arbeit und Technik (IAT) der Westfälischen Hochschule (Institute for Work and Technology at the Westphalian University) is to assist SMEs during the start-up phase.
The projects develop customised approaches to learning that cater to the real-life conditions and needs of small and middle-sized start-ups: The intention of the project “ENTER (to) entrepreneurship” is to give employees and students a better understanding of how self-motivation and creativity are associated with a corporate way of thinking. The instruments used are a practical handbook, advanced training courses, motivational seminars and training courses. The second project called “Archimedes” focuses on problem-based learning (PBL). The aim of this project is to demonstrate ways in which to develop an innovative learning culture in which employees cooperate and reflect independently. E-learning courses, held during the course of daily business, are the method of choice for this project.