Credant Solution Protects Mac OS X Endpoints

Credant Technologies announced it has released Credant Mobile Guardian Enterprise Edition (CMG EE) v6.5, which ought to include full disk encryption and protection for Mac OS X in addition to improvements in usability, transparency and manageability for endusers of Windows and Smartphone devices.

CMG EE v6.5 for Mac enables enterprises to secure all their Mac OS X environments including Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger and v10.5 Leopard with the same level of data protection that Credant provides for Windows workstations, handheld devices and removable media. CMG EE 6.5 adds key data protection enhancements in deployment, management and compliance reporting capabilities and improves usability and transparency for end users. Additionally, CMG EE 6.5 enables iPhone users to synchronize with their exchange servers securely.

“We have seen a dramatic rise in the number of Macs in corporate environments creating real challenges for enterprises to manage and secure their data”, said Chris Burchett, CTO and co-founder of Credant. “Adding Mac support to the same central management console as used for all other endpoint devices enables our customers to close an important data protection gap, and satisfy the compliance regulations that drive such urgency for data security solutions.”

IT administrators ought to be able to secure all data across all Mac OS drives while maintaining transparency with existing enterprise applications and IT operations such as data backup and patch management.

Key features of CMG EE 6.5 for Mac

  • Data protection support for Intel-powered Mac laptops, desktops, handhelds and external media
  • No impairment to operational efficiency or impact to end users
  • Encryption of all data on physical and logical Mac drives, including multi-partition configurations
  • Adherence to standard Apple packaging and configuration processes to fully support popular Mac OS enterprise management solutions
  • Accommodation of loosely managed Mac systems
  • Easy integration with other platforms, with no Pre Boot Authentication (PBA) required
  • Integration with native Mac OS X authentication interfaces
  • Full compatibility with virtualization systems such as Parallels or VMware
  • Ongoing reports of deployment status, and proof that Mac endpoints are encrypted

According to Credant a few of the many new CMG EE 6.5 features include expanded encryption operational statistics and enhanced reporting, client-side encryption sweep control and policy-driven access options to unencrypted media. (Source: Credant Technologies/GST)
