Still lack of 36,000 engineers in Germany

According to the “VDI/IW-Ingenieurmonitor” report compiled jointly by the Association of German Engineers (VDI) and the Institute for the German Economy in Cologne (IW), there were 60.000 vacancies for engineers in May this year. At the same time the number of unemployed engineers increased slightly to more than 25,000. This means that there is currently a shortage of about 36,000 engineers in Germany. According to the VDI, the German economy misses out on orders due to this lack of engineers. Most engineer vacancies in May this year were to be found in the field of mechanical engineering and motor vehicle construction.

The situation on the engineer market is somewhat different with regard to vacancies for architects and civic engineers. Here the number of vacancies increased by 21% over the past year. In total there are currently 14,000 job vacancies which make these engineers the second most wanted in Germany.

Besides the fact that in future the number of engineer graduates will be smaller than the number of retiring engineers there is another fact which might further increase the lack of engineers in Germany: since the year 2003 about 180,000 highly skilled experts have left Germany, in particular engineers. “Germany’s locational marketing has to improve. We must not let go these highly-qualified people”, is the warning by Dr. Willi Fuchs, who is VDI director.

The latest “VDI/IW-Ingenieurmonitor” report is available for free-of-charge download. GERMAN
