Wholesale trade prices stop falling

In contrast to the past eight months when wholesale trade prices were continuously falling, these stabilized in April this year and even slightly increased by 0.1% on March. In comparison with April last year, however, the wholesale trade price index in April this year was down by 8.1%. A similar big annual drop was last registered in January 1987. Nevertheless, there is now reason to assume that wholesale trade prices stopped falling and are currently stabilizing at a low level.

Wholesale trade prices for solid fuels and mineral oil products were down by 19.5% as compared to April last year and up by 3.0 % on the previous month. In March this year prices had been down by 2.1% on February. Wholesale trade prices for ores, metals and semi-finished metal products were down by 25.1% on April last year and down by 5.2% on March this year.

Prices for corn, seeds and fodder were down by 41.6 % on those in April 2008 (-2.7 % on the previous month). Milk and dairy products, eggs, cooking oils and edible fats were 7.9% less expensive than in April last year, but their prices increased by 0.6% on March this year which was the first increase since September 2008. For fruits, vegetables and potatoes the respective changes were +0.6 % and -0.8 %. GERMAN
