Turnover in retail sale trade slightly down in EU

In March 2009 turnover generated by retail sale trade in the EU slightly fell as compared to February. In the Eurozone (EZ16) turnover decreased by 0.6 % and in the EU27 by 0.3%. In February the respective figures in comparison with January had been -0.3 % and -0.8 %. With regard to March last year turnover fell by 4.2% and 3.1% respectively in March this year.

Monthly changes

Sales figures for foodstuffs, beverages and tobacco goods fell by 1.4% in the Eurozone and by 0.8% in the EU27 in March this year as compared to the previous month. In the non-food sector the changes were +0.0% and +0.2 %.

Judging by the data made available, turnover fell in ten member states, increased in six and remained unchanged in Denmark and Romania.

Major drops were registered in Lithuania (-4.3 %), Poland (-3.3 %), Latvia (-2.6 %), Portugal (-1.5 %) and Germany (-1.0 %) while the most significant increases were to be found in Slovenia (+6.8 %), France (+1.1 %), Estonia, Austria and Great Britain (+1.0 % each).

Yearly changes

Sales in foodstuffs, beverages and tobacco goods fell by 5.2% in the Eurozone and by 3.7% in the EU27 in March 2009 as compared to March last year. The respective changes in the non-food sector were -1.9 % and -1.6 %.

Turnover was down in 15 member states. Only in Belgium (+2.1 %), Austria (+2.0 %) and Great Britain (+0.8 %) did it increase. Major drops were registered in Latvia (-27.3 %), Lithuania (-21.1 %) and Estonia (-16.6 %). GERMAN
