In March 2009 turnover generated by retail sale trade in the EU slightly fell as compared to February. In the Eurozone (EZ16) turnover decreased by 0.6 % and in the EU27 by 0.3%. In February the respective figures in comparison with January had been -0.3 % and -0.8 %. With regard to March last year turnover fell by 4.2% and 3.1% respectively in March this year.
Monthly changes
Sales figures for foodstuffs, beverages and tobacco goods fell by 1.4% in the Eurozone and by 0.8% in the EU27 in March this year as compared to the previous month. In the non-food sector the changes were +0.0% and +0.2 %.
Judging by the data made available, turnover fell in ten member states, increased in six and remained unchanged in Denmark and Romania.
Major drops were registered in Lithuania (-4.3 %), Poland (-3.3 %), Latvia (-2.6 %), Portugal (-1.5 %) and Germany (-1.0 %) while the most significant increases were to be found in Slovenia (+6.8 %), France (+1.1 %), Estonia, Austria and Great Britain (+1.0 % each).
Yearly changes
Sales in foodstuffs, beverages and tobacco goods fell by 5.2% in the Eurozone and by 3.7% in the EU27 in March 2009 as compared to March last year. The respective changes in the non-food sector were -1.9 % and -1.6 %.
Turnover was down in 15 member states. Only in Belgium (+2.1 %), Austria (+2.0 %) and Great Britain (+0.8 %) did it increase. Major drops were registered in Latvia (-27.3 %), Lithuania (-21.1 %) and Estonia (-16.6 %).