Consumer prices up by 0.7 percent in April

The German consumer price index increased by 0.7% in April 2009 as compared to April last year, but remained unchanged as compared to March this year. The reason for this annual increase is prices for heating oil and fuels which have been increasing since January this year. Currently these results are based on data made available by six Federal German states. Final results will be known on May 12th, according to the Federal Statistical Office.

Some results in detail: prices for fuels have increased by between 3.3% and 6.3% in the six states since March and those for heating oil by between 2.5% and 6.8%. As compared to April 2008, however, these were significantly lower (fuels: -13.6% to -17.1%; heating oil: -26.8% to -37.7%). Prices for natural gas have fallen by between 7.5% and 13.2% since March this year. In comparison with April 2008 prices were up by between 2.3% and 7.1%. For package trips the respective price changes were +16.5% and -0.9%.

The so-called harmonized European consumer price index for Germany presumably increased by 0.7% in April 2009 as compared to April last year (March 2009: + 0.4%). In comparison with March this year it remained unchanged. GERMAN
