In the first quarter 2009 online advertising generated 350 million Euros in turnover which is an increase by 15.1 % as compared to the respective quarter last year. In January this year turnover was up by 15.8 percent and in February and March by 14.8 % respectively. This is the finding of an analysis by The Nielsen Company. These findings show that the market for online advertising is still very stabile as compared to that of other advertising media. However, growth has significantly slowed down as compared to recent years.
Online services (58 million Euros), corporate advertising (35 million Euros) and e-commerce (22 million Euros) were those sectors which invested the largest amount of money in advertising on the internet in the first quarter 2009. The biggest growth in absolute figures was registered in the field of corporate advertising (plus 9 million Euros), followed by e-commerce (plus 6 million Euros) and beer producers (plus 5 million Euros). In particular the Bitburger brewery increased its budget for internet advertising by 4 million Euros.
The following companies were leading with regard to their spending on online advertising in the first quarter this year: Esprit having spent in total 24 million Euros, followed by T-Home Germany with 10 million Euros as well as Friendscout24 with 9 million Euros.