Drop in turnover of German processing industry

According to provisional data provided by the German Statistical Office, in January this year turnover generated by the German processing industry dropped by 20.0% as compared to January last year. This is the biggest drop since the indicator was first calculated in 1991. On December 2008 turnover (in real terms) fell by 6.6% after adjustment for season calendar.

Comparison with January 2008

Turnover generated within Germany decreased by 16.6 % and that generated abroad by 23.8 % (Eurozone -21.7 %, non-Eurozone countries -25.6 %).

The biggest drop in turnover was registered among car manufacturers and manufacturers of accessories for motor vehicles (-34.3 %) with domestic turnover falling by 25.2 % and that with foreign clients by 39.1%. All the other major branches suffered drops in turnover amounting to about 20%.

For the metal producing and metal processing industry the drop amounted to 30.0 % (in Germany: -30.7 %, abroad: -28.9 %). The chemical industry generated 27.2 % less turnover as compared to January in 2008.

Comparison with December 2008

Turnover (in real terms) dropped by 6.6 % after adjustment for season and calendar in January this year (that generated in Germany -3.7 %, foreign turnover -10.0 %. Sales to the Eurozone decreased by 5.6 % and those to countries other than the Eurozone by 13.7 %. GERMAN
