Germans do not behave in a very patriotic manner when it comes to shopping. According to the German Association for research on consumption (GfK) in Nuremberg, only thirty percent of Germans prefer German products when shopping. This varies according to the age of respondents. In the age group of people between 60 and 69 years about 40% prefer products produced in Germany. Among those aged above 70 this figure amounts to 50 percent. Among those aged between 20 and 29 years just 25% of respondents attach importance to the goods being manufactured in Germany.
One reason for these findings may be the fact that the majority of Germans do not believe that through buying German products the current financial crisis could be alleviated. In total 54 percent of respondents believe that this would not be the case. Among older people this percentage is higher.
The findings also vary according to the income of respondents. About 40% of those having a monthly disposable income of up to 1500 Euros prefer domestic products. Among those earning more than 3500 Euros this percentage decreases to below 20%.