New record number of outlets for press products

In the year 2008 the number of press outlets in Germany reached a new record high. There were 120,000 print press outlets in Germany last year, in particular news-stalls and outlets in supermarkets.

On the occasion of the presentation of the EHASTRA 2008 study on the structure of the German wholesale trade, the German association of wholesale print press dealers recently happily announced that the number of press outlets reached a new record last year due to intensive marketing of wholesale dealers. As of the 39th calendar week in 2008 their number had already reached 120,531 outlets in the whole of Germany (+1,299 or +1.1% more retailers).

The number of outlets selling newspapers and magazines remained almost unchanged as compared to the year 2007 (95,687, +330). These account for 79.4% of all print press outlets. The number of those selling newspapers only grew by 1073 (+4.7%) to 23,891.

The study also showed that the number of such outlets grew most in discount markets (+2,802 outlets or +42.3%). Here their number amounted to 9431 in the year 2008 which account for 7.8% of all selling points for such print products. Next come bakery shops where the number grew by 857 (+3.2%).

The share of print press retail traders generating a weekly turnover of more than 250 Euros remained unchanged at 53% while the share of those with a turnover of more than 1000 Euros a week fell from 11.0% to 10.0%. GERMAN
