In the third quarter 2008 Germany exported goods to the value of 250 billion Euros which is an increase by 4.1% as compared to the third quarter last year. After adjustment for prices exports increased by 1.5%. Imports to Germany amounted to 211 billion Euros which is a plus of 10.9% in nominal figures and by 4.4% in real figures.
Exports to EU member states registered a plus of 3.9% in nominal figures in the third quarter. To these countries goods to the value of 158 billion Euros were exported. This is 63% of all German exports in the third quarter. The lion share of these goods (to the value of 102 billion Euros) went to the Eurozone which corresponds to a plus by +3.5%. Exports to EU member states outside the Eurozone grew by 4.8% and totalled 55 billion Euros. To all other countries exports amounted to 92 billion Euros (+4.4%).
Exports to the USA fell by 6.3% to 18 billion Euros in the third quarter this year. To Russia and China goods to the value of 9 billion Euros each were exported which corresponded to growth rates of + 15.0% and +7.6% respectively.
With regard to imports, most of these came from EU member states (122 billion Euros or 58%) which corresponds to an increase by 10.6% (nominally) as compared to the third quarter in 2007. Imports from countries within the Eurozone increased by 12.1% and reached 81 billion Euros. Imports from EU countries outside the Eurozone were up by 7.7% as compared to the third quarter in 2007 and reached 40 billion Euros, while imports from all the rest of the world grew by 11.4% and totalled 89 billion Euros.
Imports from Russia increased by 56.4% totalling 11 billion Euros and those from China amounted to 16 billion Euros and grew by 6.7%. Imports from the USA grew by just 3.1% and reached 11.5 billion Euros.