Turnover in processing industry continues falling

According to preliminary figures by the Federal Statistical Office, turnover generated by the German processing industry was down in October this year as compared to October 2007. The decrease amounted to -3.3% (following -2.4% in September). Turnover generated in Germany fell by 2.2% since October last year, that generated through exports by 4.5%. Turnover generated through business with countries of the Eurozone fell by 5.8% and that with all the rest of the world by 3.5%.

In mechanical engineering total turnover generated remained virtually unchanged as compared to October 2007 (in Germany: +2.6%, generated abroad: -2.0%). In the food processing industry the overall change was -0.5% (Germany: -1.7%, abroad: + 4.6%). Car manufacturers and producers of motor vehicle spare parts suffered a drop in turnover amounting to 8.8% (Germany: -5.1%, abroad:-10.9%).

As compared to September 2008 turnover generated in the German processing industry fell by 0.1% after adjustments for season and calendar (following -4.2% in September). Turnover generated within Germany fell by 0.1% and that generated abroad remained unchanged (Eurozone -1.4%, rest of the world +1.2%).

The cumulated figures for the period from January to October 2008 show an increase of turnover generated by the German processing industry of 1.8% as compared to the same period last year (within Germany +1.8%, turnover generated abroad +1.8%). GERMAN
