Retail trade sales down by 1.5%

According to provisional figures by the German Statistical Office, the German retail trade generated 1.5% less turnover in real figures in October this year as compared to October 2007. In nominal figures turnover increased by 0.9% over the same period. As compared to September this year turnover generated in October was down by 1.7% and 1.6% in nominal and real terms respectively after adjustments for season and calendar. In the 10-month-period from January to October this year sales increased by 2.3% nominally and fell by 0.4% in real figures as compared to the same period last year.

In the retail trade with foodstuffs, beverages and tobacco goods turnover generated in October 2008 was up by 0.7% (nominally) and down by 2.8% in real figures in comparison with October 2007. With regard to supermarkets, department stores and consumer markets the respective changes were +1.0% and -2.5%. In the specialized trade with foodstuffs, however, turnover was down both in nominal and real figures as compared to October 2007 (nominally by -2.4% and really by -6.1%).

In the non-food retail trade turnover changed by +1.1% and -0.6% in nominal and real terms respectively in October this year. Only in two sectors sales were up both nominally and really: in the retail trade with books and jewellery (+2.1% and +3.5%) as well as with regard to textiles, clothing, shoe and leather wear (nominal +1.2% and real +0.5%). GERMAN
