Index of incoming orders to European industry down in September

The index of incoming orders to the Eurozone (EZ15) fell by 3.9% in September as compared to August and in the EU27 even by 4.6%. In August the respective changes had been -1.5% and -1.7% (we reported over it). Without taking into account ship building, rail vehicle building as well as space and aviation engineering the order intake to the Eurozone and the EU27 decreased by 2.2% and 2.7% respectively.

In comparison with September 2007 the index was down by 1.1% (Eurozone) and by 0.9% (EU27). Without taking into account the above mentioned lines of industry the decrease was 0.7% and 0.2% respectively.

Monthly changes

In the period from August to September 2008 order intake to the textile and clothing industry increased by 0.4% in the Eurozone and by 0.5% in the EU27. The number of orders to chemical industry increased by 0.1% in both regions. With regard to electronic and electrical engineering the changes were -1.1% in the Eurozone and +0.2% in the EU27. Incoming orders to mechanical engineering were down by 1.9% and 1.0% respectively. The respective figures for car manufacturing were -3.8% (Eurozone) and -8.9% (EU27).

In eight member states the number of incoming orders to industry increased and in ten it fell. In the Czech Republic the index of incoming orders remained unchanged. The most important increases were registered in Latvia (+13.9%), Bulgaria (+12.5%) and Rumania (+8.2%). The most significant reductions were to be found in Germany (-9.4%), Portugal (-4.9%) and Lithuania (-4.2%).

Yearly changes

Comparing the index in September this year with September last year incoming orders to the chemical industry increased by 9.2% and 9.0% in the Eurozone and the EU27 respectively. With regard to electronic and electrical engineering the respective changes were +1.2% and 0.9%. Order intake by the textile and clothing industry decreased by 3.5% and 3.6% respectively. For mechanical engineering the respective changes were -3.9% and +1.7% and for car manufacturing -14.8% (Eurozone) and -13.9% (EU27).

The index of incoming orders increased in nine European member states and fell in ten. The most important increases were registered in Latvia (+48.1%), Rumania (+43.1%) and Lithuania (+18.3%) while the most significant decreases were to be found in Spain (-9.1%), Sweden (-9.0%) and France (-4.9%). GERMAN
